首页 > 解决方案 > 执行列名错误的查询时没有错误


我遇到了奇怪的行为,至少在 SQL Server 上(我仍然需要检查其他 SQL 引擎),同时尝试删除一些记录。

我在 SQL Server 实例上测试了以下内容:

这是一个 SQL 代码片段。这是我试图做的事情的简化版本,肯定可以讨论为什么要以这种方式进行查询,但我的观点不同——为什么会发生这种情况。

    drop table if exists #A
    drop table if exists #B

    create table #B (id char, foo char) -- I use different types for id columns just for the sake of readability
    create table #A (id int, b_id char) -- b_id is a link to #A, _not_ specified as FK

    insert into #B values('x', 'l')
    insert into #B values('y', 'm')

    insert into #A values(0, 'x')
    insert into #A values(1, 'z')
    insert into #A values(2, 'z')
    insert into #A values(3, 'y')
    insert into #A values(4, 'y')
    insert into #A values(5, 'y')

    -- there are 2 parent records in #B and 3 child records for each of them in #A
    select * from #A -- just to check, all good the data is there, all as expected, no problem

    -- now the fun part

    --(X) the following query, rightfully gives an error, as column b_id does not exist in #B
    -- select b_id from #B where foo='l'

    --(Y) the following query gives empty result, whereas I would expect an error:
    select * from #A where b_id in (select b_id from #B where foo='l')
    -- I can imagine that this has something to do with the fact that b_id exists in table #A in outer query

    --(Z) the following query deletes(!) all data in table #A:
    delete from #A where b_id in (select b_id from #B where foo='l')
    select * from #A
    -- once again, I can imagine that there is no error message "Invalid column name 'b_id'." because b_id exists in table #A in outer query


  1. 为什么查询 (Y) 和 (Z) 中没有关于无效列的错误消息?我会对细节感兴趣
  2. 根据答案(1),知道为什么查询(Y)提供空结果会很有趣。明明如果inner select为空,则outer应该为空,但魔鬼隐藏在细节中
  3. 为什么查询 (Z) 会删除表 #A 中的所有记录?我希望受影响的记录(在 (Y) 的情况下返回并在 (Z) 的情况下删除)应该是相同的

标签: sqlsql-serverdatabaseselectsql-delete


问题 1(Y):

(实时和实际)执行计划表明您的想象是正确的:显示了每个节点的输出,包括表前缀 - 不会混淆:节点 3 返回以下两列:[#A].[id], [#A].[b_id],而节点 4 没有什么可返回但NULL


         id b_id
----------- ----
          0 x
          1 z
          2 z
          3 y
          4 y
          5 y

(6 rows affected)

Table '#B__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000335'. Scan count 1, logical reads 6, physical reads 0, page server reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, page server read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob page server reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0, lob page server read-ahead reads 0.
Table '#A__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________000000000336'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 0, page server reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, page server read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob page server reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0, lob page server read-ahead reads 0.

Rows  Executes StmtText                                                                             NodeId Parent PhysicalOp   LogicalOp      Argument                                                       DefinedValues            EstimateRows    EstimateIO   EstimateCPU  AvgRowSize TotalSubtreeCost OutputList              Warnings Type      EstimateExecutions
----  -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ ------ ------------ -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ---------------- ----------------------- -------- --------- ------------------
   6         1 select * from #A where b_id in (select b_id from #B where foo='l')                        1      0 NULL         NULL           NULL                                                           NULL                                6          NULL          NULL        NULL       0,00701002 NULL                    NULL     SELECT                  NULL
   6         1   |--Nested Loops(Left Semi Join)                                                         2      1 Nested Loops Left Semi Join NULL                                                           NULL                                6             0     2,508E-05          12       0,00701002 [#A].[id], [#A].[b_id]  NULL     PLAN_ROW                   1
   6         1        |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#A]), WHERE:([#A].[b_id]=[#A].[b_id]))       3      2 Table Scan   Table Scan     OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#A]), WHERE:([#A].[b_id]=[#A].[b_id])  [#A].[id], [#A].[b_id]              6      0,003125     0,0001636          12        0,0032886 [#A].[id], [#A].[b_id]  NULL     PLAN_ROW                   1
   6         6        |--Table Scan(OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#B]), WHERE:([#B].[foo]='l'))                4      2 Table Scan   Table Scan     OBJECT:([tempdb].[dbo].[#B]), WHERE:([#B].[foo]='l')           NULL                                1     0,0032035      8,07E-05           9        0,0036877 NULL                    NULL     PLAN_ROW                   6

(4 rows affected)


执行计划 - 节点 4

问题 2:查询确实返回结果。

问题 3:

SELECT * FROM #A WHERE b_id IN (SELECT b_id    FROM #B WHERE foo = 'l');

我认为 OP 的查询可以重写为等效的 EXISTS 查询。

b_id始终等于b_id,除非该IN ()部件没有返回任何结果。

