首页 > 解决方案 > 我的数独回溯算法仅在部分时间有效,有人可以帮我改进吗?


我有一个递归算法,它应该采用部分或完全空的数独板(表示一个 int[][],其中 0 表示一个空格)并填充它。它适用于空板和我输入的大多数其他板,但有时我会收到指向第 54 行和第 40 行的堆栈溢出错误(在语句 grid = copyGrid(emptyFill(grid, current + 1, cant)); )有人能帮忙吗我改进它?

  //Creating and filling a board Recursive Methods
//Current represents the index for every cell on the board from 0 to 80 inclusive
//cant holds an array of values that the function may not place for each index 
public static int[][] emptyFill(int[][] grid, int current, int[][] cant){
        return grid; 
    else if(getCellAt(grid, current) == 0){
        for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++){
            if(works(i, current / 9, current % 9, grid) && notInCant(cant, current, i)){
                grid[current / 9][current % 9] = i;
                //Line 40 below this comment
                grid = copyGrid(emptyFill(grid, current + 1, cant));
                return grid; 
        /*Backtracks backwards if no number was found by keeping track of what numbers we have tried. Should clear 
        up the cant list if we backtrack further than it */
        for(int i = current; i < cant.length; i ++){
            clearRow(cant, i);
        addToRow(cant, current - 1,  getCellAt(grid, current - 1)); 
        setCellTo(grid, current, 0); 
        setCellTo(grid, current - 1, 0); 
        //Line 54 below this comment
        grid = copyGrid(emptyFill(grid, current -1, cant));
        return grid; 
        grid  = copyGrid(emptyFill(grid, current + 1, cant));
        return grid; 


标签: javaalgorithmrecursionstack-overflowbacktracking



public boolean emptyFill(int[][] grid, int current){
        return true; 
    else if(getCellAt(grid, current) == 0){
        for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i ++){
            if(works(i, current / 9, current % 9, grid) && notInCant( current, i)){
                grid[current / 9][current % 9] = i;
                if( emptyFill(grid, current + 1)) return true; 
                grid[current / 9][current % 9] = 0;
        return false; 
       return emptyFill(grid, current + 1);

