首页 > 解决方案 > 将泛型类的每个元素相乘


我有一个泛型类,它包含一个类型 T 的列表,并且我有连接两个对象并返回新对象的方法“concat”。我需要让它连接两个列表,但是如果列表的类型是 Int、Double 或 Float,它应该将列表的每个元素乘以 func 的结果

class Seq[T : Ordering] (initialElems: T*)(implicit toStr: ToStr[T]) {

  override def toString: String = toStr(fac(factors), elems: _*)

  val elems = initialElems.sorted

  def concat(a:Seq[T]) = new Seq(a.elems ++ this.elems:_*)

  val factors = ListBuffer[Int](1)

  def fac(xs: ListBuffer[Int]): Int = {
    var i=0
    var sum = 1
    while (i < xs.length) {
      sum *= xs(i)
      i += 1

  def multy(a: Int)(implicit ev: T <:< AnyVal): Unit = {
    factors += a

trait ToStr[T] {
  def apply(fac: Int, elems: T*): String
object ToStr {
  implicit val int: ToStr[Int] =
    (fac, elems) => elems.map((i: Int) => fac * i).toString
  implicit val double: ToStr[Double] =
    (fac, elems) => elems.map((i: Double) => fac * i).toString
  implicit val float: ToStr[Float] =
    (fac, elems) => elems.map((i: Float) => fac * i).toString
  implicit val str: ToStr[String] = (_, elems) => elems.toString


val numbers1 = new Seq(1,5,4,2)  
val numbers2 = new Seq(7,8,11,17) 


number1: numbers1.multy(5)


number2: numbers2.multy(10)

在我 concat 之后number = number1.concat(numbers2),我希望得到包含的数字 (1*3*5, 5*3*5, 4*3*5, 2*3*5, 7*10, 8*10, 11*10, 17*10)(排序后将是)->

(15, 30, 60, 70, 75, 80, 110, 170)


strings1 = new Seq("b", "e", "f")
strings2 = new Seq("c", "a")
strings = strings1.concat(strings2)

字符串将是("a", "b", "c", "e", "f") 如何更改方法 concat 以这种方式工作?

标签: scalagenerics


pattern matching例如,我会尝试guard conditions

def concat[A](a: Seq[A]) = {
    a match {
        case(h::_) if h.isInstanceOf[Int] => // do multiply and return as ....
        case(h::_) if h.isInstanceOf[String] => // do concat and return as ....
        case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException
