首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在相对简单的 Python 程序中设置 AxesSubplot 的大小?


Python 3.7 环境

我想创建一个堆叠条形图,每个子类别顶部都有一些标签显示为条形。数据来自 CSV 文件,一些标签相当长,因此它们大于条形宽度。可以通过缩放整个图形使条形变得足够大以容纳标签来轻松解决该问题,但是我无法重新调整整个绘图的大小。这里的代码:

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dataset = 'Number'

dataFrame: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_csv('my_csv_file_with_data.csv', sep=',', header=2)
dataFrame['FaultDuration [h]'] = dataFrame['DurationH']

# ***********************************************************
# Data gymnastics to transform data in desired format
# determine the main categories
mainCategories: pd.Series = dataFrame['MainCategory']
mainCategories = mainCategories.drop_duplicates()
mainCategories = mainCategories.sort_values()
print('Main Categories: '+ mainCategories)

# subcategories
subCategories: pd.Series = pd.Series(data=dataFrame['SubCategorie'].drop_duplicates().sort_values().values)
subCategories = subCategories.sort_values()
print('Sub Categories: '+ subCategories)

# Build new frame with subcategories as headers
columnNames = pd.Series(data=['SubCategory2'])
columnNames = columnNames.append(mainCategories)
rearrangedData: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame(columns=columnNames.values)

for subCategory in subCategories:
    subset: pd.DataFrame = dataFrame.loc[dataFrame['SubCategorie'] == subCategory]
    rearrangedRow = pd.DataFrame(columns=mainCategories.values)
    rearrangedRow = rearrangedRow.append(pd.Series(), ignore_index=True)
    rearrangedRow['SubCategory2'] = subCategory
    for mainCategory in mainCategories:
        rowData: pd.DataFrame = subset.loc[subset['MainCategorie'] == mainCategory]
        if (rowData is not None and rowData.size > 0):
            rearrangedRow[mainCategory] = float(rowData[dataset].values)
            rearrangedRow[mainCategory] = 0.0

    rearrangedData = rearrangedData.append(rearrangedRow, ignore_index=True)

# *********************************************************************
# here the plot is created:
thePlot = rearrangedData.set_index('SubCategory2').T.plot.bar(stacked=True, width=1, cmap='rainbow')

labels = []

# *************************************************************
# creation of bar patches and labels in bar chart
rowIndex = 0
for item in rearrangedData['SubCategory2']:
        colIndex = 0
        for colHead in rearrangedData.columns:
            if colHead != 'SubCategory2':
                if rearrangedData.iloc[rowIndex, colIndex] > 0.0:
                    label = item + '\n' + str(rearrangedData.iloc[rowIndex, colIndex])

            colIndex = colIndex + 1
        rowIndex = rowIndex + 1

patches = thePlot.patches

for label, rect in zip(labels, patches):
    width = rect.get_width()
    if width > 0:
        x = rect.get_x()
        y = rect.get_y()
        height = rect.get_height()
        thePlot.text(x + width/2., y + height/2., label, ha='center', va='center', size = 7 )

# Up to here things work like expected...
# *******************************************************
# now I want to produce output in the desired format/size

# things I tried:
1)    thePlot.figure(figsize=(40,10)) <---- Fails with error 'Figure' object is not callable
2)    plt.figure(figsize=(40,10)) <---- Creates a second, empty plot of the right size, but bar chart remains unchanged
3)    plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(40,10)) <---- leaves chart plot unchanged


对象“thePlot”是一个 AxesSubplot。如何获得正确比例的图表?

标签: pythonmatplotlibcharts



theplot.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5, forward=True)

例如,请参阅: 如何更改使用 matplotlib 绘制的图形的大小?
