首页 > 解决方案 > 解决 ThreadSafeReference 时领域崩溃



public async override Task<IQueryable<Entry>> FindAsync(string inputText)
    var resultingEntries = await Task.Run(() =>
        // The heavy stuff starts here, in anew thread.
        using (var realm = Realm.GetInstance(DbConfig))
            // All data
            var bgHaystack = realm.All<Entry>();

            // Because realm doesn't support some of the LINQ operations on not stored fields (Content)
            // the set of entries is converted to a IEnumerable.
            IEnumerable<Entry> subset = bgHaystack;

            // This is where the search gets actually done
            subset = subset.Where(entry => entry.Content.ToLower().StartsWith(inputText));

            // Extracts ids
            var foundEntryIds = ExtractIdsFromEntries(subset);

            // Select entries
            var foundEntries = FindingManyMatches(bgHaystack, foundEntryIds.ToArray());

            return ThreadSafeReference.Create(foundEntries);

    var results = Realm.GetInstance(DbConfig).ResolveReference(resultingEntries);
    return results;



Native Crash Reporting
Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

No native Android stacktrace (see debuggerd output).

    Basic Fault Address Reporting
Memory around native instruction pointer (0x7cdcb67c70):0x7cdcb67c60  c0 03 5f d6 c8 02 80 52 e0 03 08 2a c0 03 5f d6  .._....R...*.._.
0x7cdcb67c70  08 00 40 79 09 3d 0e 53 08 3d 00 12 69 01 00 35  ..@y.=.S.=..i..5
0x7cdcb67c80  09 01 13 12 2a 01 00 32 0b fc 5f 48 7f 21 29 6b  ....*..2.._H.!)k
0x7cdcb67c90  a1 00 00 54 0a 7c 0b 48 8b ff ff 35 e0 03 1f 2a  ...T.|.H...5...*


05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Found as 'shared_realm_resolve_object_reference'.=================
    Managed Stacktrace:
      at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
      at NativeMethods:resolve_query_reference <0x00007>
      at Realms.SharedRealmHandle:ResolveReference <0x00243>
      at Realms.Realm:ResolveReference <0x0008f>
      at <FindAsync>d__9:MoveNext <0x0062f>
      at MoveNextRunner:InvokeMoveNext <0x000f3>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal <0x003af>
      at System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run <0x0006b>
      at MoveNextRunner:Run <0x00193>
      at <>c:<.cctor>b__7_0 <0x0009b>
      at <>c__DisplayClass2_0:<Post>b__0 <0x00093>
      at RunnableImplementor:Run <0x000bb>
      at Java.Lang.IRunnableInvoker:n_Run <0x000c3>
      at Android.Runtime.DynamicMethodNameCounter:20 <0x000af>
      at Android.Runtime.DynamicMethodNameCounter:20 <0x000e3>

05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): DllImport searching in: 'realm-wrappers' ('librealm-wrappers.so').
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Searching for 'shared_realm_resolve_list_reference'.
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Probing 'shared_realm_resolve_list_reference'.
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Found as 'shared_realm_resolve_list_reference'.
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): DllImport searching in: 'realm-wrappers' ('librealm-wrappers.so').
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Searching for 'shared_realm_resolve_query_reference'.
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Probing 'shared_realm_resolve_query_reference'.
05-08 23:09:47.037 D/Mono    (25933): Found as 'shared_realm_resolve_query_reference'.
05-08 23:09:47.040 F/libc    (25933): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x188 in tid 25933 (panyname.dosham), pid 25933 (panyname.dosham)
05-08 23:09:47.061 D/Mono    (25933): DllImport searching in: 'realm-wrappers' ('librealm-wrappers.so').
05-08 23:09:47.062 D/Mono    (25933): Searching for 'query_destroy'.
05-08 23:09:47.062 D/Mono    (25933): Probing 'query_destroy'.
05-08 23:09:47.062 D/Mono    (25933): Found as 'query_destroy'.
05-08 23:09:47.259 I/panyname.dosha(25933): ProcessProfilingInfo new_methods=0 is saved saved_to_disk=0 resolve_classes_delay=8000

标签: c#androidasynchronousrealmthread-safety



using (var realm = Realm.GetInstance(DbConfig))


            var resultingEntries = await Task.Run(() =>
                var allEntries = Realm.GetInstance(DbConfig).All<Entry>();

                // Because realm doesn't support some of the LINQ operations on not stored fields (Content)
                // the set of entries is converted to a IEnumerable.
                IEnumerable<Entry> subset = allEntries;

                // This is where the search gets actually done
                subset = subset.Where(entry => entry.Content.ToLower().StartsWith(inputText));

                // Extracts ids
                var foundEntryIds = ExtractIdsFromEntries(subset);

                // Select entries
                var foundEntries = FindingManyMatches(allEntries, foundEntryIds.ToArray());
                var foundEntriesCount = foundEntries.Count();

                return ThreadSafeReference.Create(foundEntries);

            var results = Realm.GetInstance(DbConfig).ResolveReference(resultingEntries);
            return results;
