首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在没有 JavaScript 的情况下设置 CSS 动画速度?


这个问题是关于 CSS 动画的速度的。

    margin: 10px;
    width: 300px;
    background: #A1BDAF;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;

    color: white;
    min-width: 100%;
    display: inline-block;

    animation: moving 4s ease-in-out forwards;
    transition: width linear;

@keyframes moving{

        -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
        transform: translateX(0);
        margin-left: 0;

        -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%);
        transform: translateX(-100%);
        margin-left: 100%;

    <div class = "div1">
        <h1 class = "content">
            The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me

    <div class = "div1">
        <h1 class = "content">
            I want to fix the speed of running text animation 

    <div class = "div1">
        <h1 class = "content">
            regardless of the length of the text.

    <div class = "div1">
        <h1 class = "content">
            Is there any way to set not duration but speed of animation

    <div class = "div1">
        <h1 class = "content">
            with out JavaScript?


在 JavaScript 中,它可以表示为

sampleDom.style.animationDuration = (sampleDom.scrollWidth) / (speed) +"s";

但我想在没有 JavaScript 的情况下用 CSS 编写它。

如何在没有 JavaScript 的情况下将 CSS 动画速度设置为相同,无论文本长度如何?

标签: htmlcsscss-animations



使用 CSS(甚至 JS)不可能一次拥有:

  1. 相同的开始
  2. 同样的结局
  3. 相同的速度。

您只能拥有其中的 2 个。在您的解决方案中,您有 (1) 和 (2),下面您将有 (2) 和 (3)

.container {
.div1 {
  clip-path: polygon(0 0, 300px 0, 300px 100%, 0 100%);
  overflow: hidden;
  display: inline-flex;
  white-space: nowrap;
  flex-direction: column;

.content {
  color: white;
  margin:5px 0;
  padding:0.5em 0;
  background: #A1BDAF;
  position: relative;
  animation: moving 6s ease-in-out forwards;
  left: 0;

.content span {
  display: inline-block;
  position: sticky;
  left: 0;

@keyframes moving {
  to {
    left: calc(300px - 100%);
<div class="container">
  <div class="div1">
    <h1 class="content">
      <span>The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me</span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span>I want to fix the speed of running text animation </span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span> regardless of the length of the text.</span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span> Is there any way to set not duration but speed of animation</span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span> with out JavaScript?</span>


.container {
.div1 {
  clip-path: polygon(calc(100% - 300px) 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, calc(100% - 300px) 100%);
  display: inline-flex;
  white-space: nowrap;
  flex-direction: column;
  transform:translateX(calc(300px - 100%));

.content {
  color: white;
  margin:5px 0;
  padding:0.5em 0;
  background: #A1BDAF;
  position: relative;
  animation: moving 6s ease-in-out forwards;
  left: 0;

.content span {
  position: sticky;

@keyframes moving {
  from {
    left: calc(100% - 300px);
<div class="container">
  <div class="div1">
    <h1 class="content">
      <span>The only thing that matters now is everything You think of me</span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span>I want to fix the speed of running text animation </span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span> regardless of the length of the text.</span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span> Is there any way to set not duration but speed of animation</span>

    <h1 class="content">
      <span> with out JavaScript?</span>

两种解决方案的主要技巧是使所有元素具有相同的宽度(由最长的元素定义)。为此,我考虑了一个具有列方向的 flexbox 容器。这将确保速度相同,因为宽度相同,然后使用粘性阻止内部元素在到达边缘之一时移动。
