首页 > 解决方案 > 后台工作人员中异步等待的中介死锁 - 如何检测线程调用自身



我将命令发布到队列并从 TaskCompletionSource 返回任务:

public Task<object> Send(object command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    var item = new CommandItem() { Command = request, Tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(), Ct = cancellationToken };            
    this.queue.Writer.WriteAsync(item); // just write and immediatly return the tcs
    return item.Tcs.Task;


var item = await this.queue.Reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken);
// work out command  type snipped
var command = item.Command as LockMeGoodCommand;
var handler = new LockMeGoodCommandHandler();
var result = await handler.Handle(command, item.Ct);


public async Task<int> Handle(LockMeGoodCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

   // this would get the result but will lock forever when using background worker bus implementation
   var otherResult = await this.commandBus.Send(new BoringCommand(), cancellationToken);

   // perform some action based on the result - but we never get here
   Console.WriteLine("otherResult is " + otherResult);

   return 3;

** 问题和潜在修复 **

我相信我们可以通过检测后台线程是否从其线程内向其自身发布(通过然后调用 Send() 以发布新命令的命令处理程序)来避免死锁,如果是,则不应使用任何线程机制(发布到命令队列或 TaskCompletionSource),而应该直接直接处理任务。

我试图检测线程但它不工作,所以我在上面的处理程序中将手动标志 isSameThread 设置为 true var otherResult = await this.commandBus.Send(new BoringCommand(), cancellationToken, true)我可以确认它工作正常并且避免了死锁

此修复中有任何警告吗?如何检测后台线程是否正在请求发送命令(线程如何检测自己)以及如何完成以下代码(从DispatchOnBackgroundThread.Send()包含此自调用检测(这样我就可以取消 isSameThread 标志)?

这似乎更复杂,因为每个等待都会给出不同的线程 ID。

// in thread start we set the thread id of the background thread
this.workerThreadId = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

public Task<object> Send(object command, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool isSameThread = false)
    Console.WriteLine($"this.workerThreadId: {this.workerThreadId}, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId: {Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}");

    // below doesnt work gives different numbers so i use flag instead
    // this.workerThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
    if (isSameThread == true)
        if (command is BoringCommand boringCommand)
            var handler = new BoringCommandHandler();
            return handler.Handle(boringCommand, cancellationToken).ContinueWith(t => (object)t);

        else if (command is LockMeGoodCommand lockMeGoodCommand)
            var handler = new LockMeGoodCommandHandler(this);
            return handler.Handle(lockMeGoodCommand, cancellationToken).ContinueWith(t => (object)t);
            throw new Exception("unknown");
        var item = new CommandItem() { Command = command, Tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(), Ct = cancellationToken };
        this.queue.Writer.WriteAsync(item); // just write and immediatly return the cts
        return item.Tcs.Task;


using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Channels;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TestDeadlock
    class BoringCommand { }
    class LockMeGoodCommand { }    

    class BoringCommandHandler
        public Task<int> Handle(BoringCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return Task.FromResult(1);
    class LockMeGoodCommandHandler
        private readonly DispatchOnBackgroundThread commandBus;

        public LockMeGoodCommandHandler(DispatchOnBackgroundThread commandBus) => this.commandBus = commandBus;

        public async Task<int> Handle(LockMeGoodCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            // this locks forever
            var otherResult = await this.commandBus.Send(new BoringCommand(), cancellationToken);
            Console.WriteLine("otherResult is " + otherResult);
            return 3;

    public class DispatchOnBackgroundThread
        private readonly Channel<CommandItem> queue = Channel.CreateUnbounded<CommandItem>();
        private Task worker = null;

        class CommandItem
            public object Command { get; set; }
            public CancellationToken Ct { get; set; }
            public TaskCompletionSource<object> Tcs { get; set; }

        public Task<object> Send(object command, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var item = new CommandItem()
            { Command = command, Tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(), Ct = cancellationToken };            
            this.queue.Writer.WriteAsync(item); // just write and immediatly return the tcs
            return item.Tcs.Task;

        public void Start(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            this.worker = Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
                    while (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested == false)
                        var item = await this.queue.Reader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken);

                        // simplified DI container magic to static invocation
                        if (item.Command is BoringCommand boringCommand)
                            var handler = new BoringCommandHandler();
                            var result = await handler.Handle(boringCommand, item.Ct);
                        if (item.Command is LockMeGoodCommand lockMeGoodCommand)
                            var handler = new LockMeGoodCommandHandler(this);
                            var result = await handler.Handle(lockMeGoodCommand, item.Ct);
                catch (TaskCanceledException) { }

        public async Task StopAsync()
            await this.worker;

    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var threadStrategy = new DispatchOnBackgroundThread();

            var result1 = await threadStrategy.Send(new BoringCommand(), cts.Token);
            var result2 = await threadStrategy.Send(new LockMeGoodCommand(), cts.Token);

            await threadStrategy.StopAsync();

** 简单的非线程中介实现,无需锁定即可工作 **

public class DispatchInCallingThread
    public async Task<object> Send(object request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        // simplified DI container magic to static invocation
        if (request is BoringCommand boringCommand)
            var handler = new BoringCommandHandler();
            return await handler.Handle(boringCommand, cancellationToken);
        else if (request is LockMeGoodCommand lockMeGoodCommand)
            var handler = new LockMeGoodCommandHandler(this);
            return await handler.Handle(lockMeGoodCommand, cancellationToken);
            throw new Exception("unknown");

标签: c#multithreadingconcurrencytask-parallel-librarymediator



  • 有一个代码循环(不是特定线程;见下文)负责处理队列。当它处理每个命令时,它await就是该命令的处理程序。
  • 有一个命令处理程序,它是要处理await的另一个命令。但是,这不起作用,因为不会处理更多命令;在此命令完成之前,代码循环不会使下一个命令出队。



  1. 更改Send语义,使其成为“队列”语义。这意味着不可能得到命令结果;结果必须通过一些中介作为消息发送。
  2. 让代码循环而不是await命令处理程序,允许它循环返回并获取下一个命令。这意味着它不再“一次同步一个”。
  3. 将“一次同步一个”重新定义为“一次一个,但如果它正在await运行,则不算作一个”。在这种情况下,您可能可以使用类似的东西ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPairNito.AsyncEx.AsyncContext一次运行方法块。

旁注:LongRunning没有做你认为它正在做的事情。StartNewis not async-aware,因此该LongRunning标志仅适用于第一个代码await;之后,该 lambda 中的代码将在任意线程池线程(未LongRunning设置)上运行。替换StartNewTask.Run将使代码更清晰。
