首页 > 解决方案 > 从现有的 WooCommerce 订单以编程方式更改运输方式


我的客户通过我的 woocommerce 网站购买订阅。他们每个月都会收到产品,但有时他们想更改运输方式。我找不到通过 php 执行此操作的文档。

我可以更改 中的值,post_meta但这不是一个持久的解决方案。woocommerce_order_itemswoocommerce_order_itemmeta

标签: phpwordpresswoocommerce


这是以编程方式更改订单“运输”项目以定义新运输方式 ID (slug ) 的方法:

// Here set your shipping method ID replacement
$new_method_id ='flat_rate';

// Get the the WC_Order Object from an order ID (optional)
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

// Array for tax calculations
$calculate_tax_for = array(
    'country'  => $order->get_shipping_country(),
    'state'    => $order->get_shipping_state(), // (optional value)
    'postcode' => $order->get_shipping_postcode(), // (optional value)
    'city'     => $order->get_shipping_city(), // (optional value)

$changed = false; // Initializing

// Loop through order shipping items
foreach( $order->get_items( 'shipping' ) as $item_id => $item ){

    // Retrieve the customer shipping zone
    $shipping_zone = WC_Shipping_Zones::get_zone_by( 'instance_id', $item->get_instance_id() );

    // Get an array of available shipping methods for the current shipping zone
    $shipping_methods = $shipping_zone->get_shipping_methods();

    // Loop through available shipping methods
    foreach ( $shipping_methods as $instance_id => $shipping_method ) {

        // Targeting specific shipping method
        if( $shipping_method->is_enabled() && $shipping_method->id === $new_method_id ) {

            // Set an existing shipping method for customer zone
            $item->set_method_title( $shipping_method->get_title() );
            $item->set_method_id( $shipping_method->get_rate_id() ); // set an existing Shipping method rate ID
            $item->set_total( $shipping_method->cost );

            $item->calculate_taxes( $calculate_tax_for );

            $changed = true;
            break; // stop the loop

if ( $changed ) {
    // Calculate totals and save
    $order->calculate_totals(); // the save() method is included


