首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 JavaScript 中实现黑名单


如何实现黑名单?我试图继续使用每一步,并让最终输出不输出放置在黑名单中的任何对象。我希望最终结果不允许黑名单中包含完整的 5 位数名称/号码。我希望它输出一个未列入黑名单的 5 位数字。

// The random number generator selects 1 of the numbers from each array. The end result is 5 numbers shown on my webpage. 

const firstNumbers = ['8', '0', '3', '7', '9'];
const secondNumbers = ['3', '0', '9', '6'];
const thirdNumbers = ['7', '6'];
const fourthNumbers = ['1', '5'];
const fifthNumbers = ['4', '0'];

// I want to use this blackList array to compare against the result of the 5 random numbers. I want to check the independent numbers above as a group similar to the array below.  
//If the final result of the number generator has the same numbers as my blackList array ex. 00000, 00001... I do not allow it to show on the webpage. 

//Should I name this array the same as the objects above? 

//Is it best to create a json file for the blackList array because it can grow up to 100000? If so how will the code access it and prevent the getRandomNumber from generating a 5 digit number from the list?

const blackList = [
{firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '0'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '1'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '2'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '3'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '4'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '5'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '6'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '7'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '8'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '0', fifthNames: '9'},
  {firstNames: '0', secondNames: '0', thirdNames: '0', fourthNames: '1', fifthNames: '0'}

// This is the math for the random generator. is this where I would implement the blackList function to read and compare the array against the 5 random numbers that show on the webpage? 

const getRandomNumber = (max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * max);

// This is where getRandomNumbers are defined. How can I use my blackList correctly so that the getRandomNumbers does not show a complete object in the blackList array?

const getRandomNumbers = (if ((firstNumbers[getRandomNumber(firstNumbers.length)]) !== blackList.firstNumbers && (secondNumbers[getRandomNumber(secondNumbers.length)]) !== blackList.secondNumbers && (thirdNumbers[getRandomNumber(thirdNumbers.length)]) !== blackList.thirdNumbers &&
(fourthNumbers[getRandomNumber(fourthNumbers.length)]) !== blackList.fourthNumbers && (fifthNumbers[getRandomNumber(fifthNumbers.length)]) !== blackList.fifthNumbers)
else {
// how would I write this code to loop and repeat the process until it does not match the blackList? how to get the code to properly read the blackList?

// I see this is telling the getRandomNumbers where to go. This is also where the button is at.

// Is this where I would put the blackList function? This is where the connection to html/css is at also.

const setRandomNumber = () => {

document.getElementById('generate').addEventListener('click', setRandomNumber);

// This is the final step. Should I have an if/else statement here and/or a loop function. I would go back to the getRandomNumbers function if the random output 5 digits are the same as my blackList. If not show the setRandomNumber on my webpage.


标签: javascriptrandomblacklist

