首页 > 解决方案 > 在不传播的情况下访问对象中的 ApplicationCall


Ktor 中是否有可以静态访问当前 ApplicationCall 的线程安全方法?我正在尝试使以下简单示例起作用;

object Main {

    fun start() {
        val server = embeddedServer(Jetty, 8081) {
            intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Call) {
                // START: this will be more dynamic in the future, we don't want to pass ApplicationCall
                // END: this will be more dynamic in the future, we don't want to pass ApplicationCall

                call.respondText(output, ContentType.Text.Html, HttpStatusCode.OK)
                return@intercept finish()
        server.start(wait = true)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

object Addon {

    fun processRequest() {
        val call = RequestUtils.getCurrentApplicationCall()
        // processing of call.request.queryParameters
        // ...

object RequestUtils {

    fun getCurrentApplicationCall(): ApplicationCall {
        // Here is where I am getting lost..
        return null

我希望能够从 RequestUtils 中静态获取当前上下文的 ApplicationCall,以便我可以在任何地方访问有关请求的信息。这当然需要扩展以能够同时处理多个请求。

我已经用依赖注入和 ThreadLocal 做了一些实验,但没有成功。

标签: kotlinkotlin-coroutinesktor



Kotlin 官方文档在协程执行的上下文中讨论了Thread-local 。它使用 CoroutineContext 的概念来恢复特定/自定义协程上下文中的 Thread-Local 值。

但是,如果您能够设计一个完全异步的 API,您将能够通过直接创建自定义 CoroutineContext、嵌入请求调用来绕过线程本地。

编辑:我更新了我的示例代码以测试 2 种风格:

  • 异步端点:完全基于协程上下文和挂起函数的解决方案
  • 阻塞端点:使用线程本地来存储应用程序调用,如kotlin doc中所述。
import io.ktor.server.engine.embeddedServer
import io.ktor.server.jetty.Jetty
import io.ktor.application.*
import io.ktor.http.ContentType
import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode
import io.ktor.response.respondText
import io.ktor.routing.get
import io.ktor.routing.routing
import kotlinx.coroutines.asContextElement
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.coroutineContext

 * Thread local in which you'll inject application call.
private val localCall : ThreadLocal<ApplicationCall> = ThreadLocal();

object Main {

    fun start() {
        val server = embeddedServer(Jetty, 8081) {
            routing {
                // Solution requiring full coroutine/ supendable execution.
                get("/async") {
                    // Ktor will launch this block of code in a coroutine, so you can create a subroutine with
                    // an overloaded context providing needed information.
                    launch(coroutineContext + ApplicationCallContext(call)) {

                // Solution based on Thread-Local, not requiring suspending functions
                get("/blocking") {
                    launch (coroutineContext + localCall.asContextElement(value = call)) {

            intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.ApplicationPhase.Call) {
                call.respondText("Hé ho", ContentType.Text.Plain, HttpStatusCode.OK)
        server.start(wait = true)

fun main() {

interface AsyncAddon {
     * Asynchronicity propagates in order to properly access coroutine execution information
    suspend fun processAsync();

interface BlockingAddon {
    fun processBlocking();

object PrintQuery : AsyncAddon, BlockingAddon {
    override suspend fun processAsync() = processRequest("async", fetchCurrentCallFromCoroutineContext())

    override fun processBlocking() = processRequest("blocking", fetchCurrentCallFromThreadLocal())

    private fun processRequest(prefix : String, call : ApplicationCall?) {
        println("$prefix -> Query parameter: ${call?.parameters?.get("q") ?: "NONE"}")

 * Custom coroutine context allow to provide information about request execution.
private class ApplicationCallContext(val call : ApplicationCall) : AbstractCoroutineContextElement(Key) {
    companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<ApplicationCallContext>

 * This is your RequestUtils rewritten as a first-order function. It defines as asynchronous.
 * If not, you won't be able to access coroutineContext.
suspend fun fetchCurrentCallFromCoroutineContext(): ApplicationCall? {
    // Here is where I am getting lost..
    return coroutineContext.get(ApplicationCallContext.Key)?.call

fun fetchCurrentCallFromThreadLocal() : ApplicationCall? {
    return localCall.get()






blocking -> Query parameter: test1
blocking -> Query parameter: test2
async -> Query parameter: test3
