首页 > 解决方案 > Tkinter:如何让按钮触发以影响另一个按钮


我正在创建一个旨在模拟某种在线商店的 GUI。

任务的一部分是有一个按钮,该按钮将生成一个 HTML 文档,其中包含用户选择的产品类别的图像。

下面我提供了我的四个单选按钮以及它们的 IntVar 和命令。

每个 RadioButton 命令都执行相同的操作,但从不同的网站提取信息,因此为简洁起见,我只提供了拖鞋类别的命令。

home_hobbies = Tk()

status = IntVar()

def show_slippers():
    #open downloaded file to extract info
    slipperfile = open('slippers.html','r',encoding = 'utf-8').read()
    prices = findall("<span.*value'>(.*)</span>", slipperfile) #regex prices
    titles = findall('<h3.*body ">\n\s*(.*)', slipperfile) #regex titles
    select_categ.config(state=NORMAL) #make the text box edit-able
    select_categ.delete(1.0, END) #delete any text already in the text box
    #for loop to find first five items and print them
    for i in range(5):
        title = titles[i]
        price = prices[i]
        result = str(i+1) + ". " + title + ' - $' + price + "\n"
        select_categ.insert(END, result) #write list of products
    select_categ.config(state=DISABLED) #make sure the user can't edit the text box

slippers = Radiobutton(home_hobbies, command = show_slippers, indicator = 'off', variable = status, value = 1, text = 'Winter Slippers')
diy = Radiobutton(home_hobbies, command = show_diy, indicator = 'off', variable = status, value = 2, text = "DIY Supplies")
#newstock radiobuttons
sports = Radiobutton(home_hobbies, command = show_sports, indicator = 'off', variable = status, value = 3, text = "Pool Toys")
novelties = Radiobutton(home_hobbies, command = show_novelties, indicator = 'off', variable = status, value = 4, text = "Novelty Items")

select_categ = Text(home_hobbies, wrap = WORD, font = content_font, bg = widgetbg, fg = fontcolour, width = 40)

上面,我还提供了生成 Text 小部件的代码行,因为它可能有助于回答我的问题(尽管阅读了 effbot 页面大约 20 次,但我对这个小部件的理解并不深入)。

我现在有一个不同的按钮,其任务是使用它自己的命令“show_img”生成一个 HTML 文档:

htmlshow = Button(home_hobbies, text = "View Product Images", command = show_img)

我正在尝试使 show_img() 命令工作,这样我就有了 HTML 编码的序言,然后,根据选择的单选按钮,该函数将用相应的信息替换代码部分:

def show_img():
#in this section I write my HTML code which includes replaceable sections such as "image1" and source_url
    if slipper_trig:
        table = table.replace("source_url", '<a href = "https://www.etsy.com/au/search?q=slippers"> Etsy - Shop Unique Gifts for Everyone</a>')
        imgfile = open('slippers.html', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8').read()
        images = findall('<img\n*.*image\n*\s*src="(.*)"', imgfile)
        for i in range(5):
            image = images[i]
            table = table.replace("image"+str(i+1), image)

我尝试将 BooleanVar 添加到我的单选按钮的命令中,如下所示:

slipper_trig = False
diy_trig = False
pool_trig = False
novelty_trig = False

#Function for the product category buttons

def show_slippers():
    #make selected category true and change all others to false
    slipper_trig = True
    diy_trig = False
    pool_trig = False
    novelty_trig = False

作为区分类别的一种方式,但在“show_slippers”函数中将“slipper_trig”定义为真后,GUI 显然不记得“slipper_trig”的值。

也许我需要尝试将“show_img”命令集成到定义 RadioButtons 的原始函数中?也许我应该弄清楚如何确定文本框中显示的内容所选择的类别?



标签: pythonuser-interfacetkinter



不知道你用过没有command=function_name。 顺便说一句:它必须是函数的名称,没有Button

我不知道您是否曾经从// assigned to中.get()获取价值。StringVarIntvarBooleanVarRadioButtons


import tkinter as tk

# --- functions ---

def on_click():
    selected = result_var.get()

    print('selected:', selected)

    if selected == 'hello':
        print("add HELLO to html")
    elif selected == 'bye':
        print("add BYE to html")

    print('option1:', option1_var.get())  # 1 or 0 if you use IntVar
    print('option2:', option2_var.get())  # 1 or 0 if you use IntVar

    if option1_var.get() == 1:
        print("add OPTION 1 to html")

    if option2_var.get() == 1:
        print("add OPTION 2 to html")

# --- main ---

root = tk.Tk()

result_var = tk.StringVar(root, value='hello')
rb1 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Hello World", variable=result_var, value='hello')
rb2 = tk.Radiobutton(root, text="Good Bye", variable=result_var, value='bye')

option1_var = tk.IntVar(root, value=0)
opt1 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text='Option 1', variable=option1_var)

option2_var = tk.IntVar(root, value=0)
opt2 = tk.Checkbutton(root, text='Option 2', variable=option2_var)

button = tk.Button(root, text='OK', command=on_click)


