首页 > 解决方案 > 如何提高实例化对象的生成速度?


我正在尝试制作一个无尽的跑步游戏,其中玩家静止在平台上,并且对象以不同的模式在平台下方以初始速度实例化。我希望这些物体在达到一定的时间间隔后提高它们的速度。例如,如果时间间隔为 30 秒,基线速度为 10,我希望在 30 秒后速度达到 20,然后在再过 30 秒后增加到 30,等等。我有一个产卵器产卵在具有不同区域的重生点的障碍物模式中。

截至目前,障碍物无论如何都会以相同的速度生成,但一旦它们在时间间隔内生成,它们的速度就会增加。例如,生成对象 1,以初始速度移动 5 秒,然后增加速度,然后对象 2 在生成时执行与对象 1 完全相同的操作。这是我的对象移动代码:

using UnityEngine;

public class ObstacleMovement : MonoBehaviour
     public Rigidbody rb;

     // Keeps track of the time and increases speed based off the time
     float time;
     int seconds;
     public int timeInterval; // Time interval where speed is increased

     // Speed stuff
     public Vector3 speedInc; // Speed increase each time interval
     public float initialSpeed; // Initial speed in the Z direction
     Vector3 currentSpeed; // Current speed of the object

     // Vars for locking the object in place so no rotation/sliding occurs
     float startPositionX;
     Quaternion startRotation;

     // Start is called before the first frame update
     void Start()
         startPositionX = transform.position.x;
         startRotation = transform.rotation;

         currentSpeed = new Vector3(0, 0, initialSpeed);
         rb.velocity = currentSpeed;


     // Update is called once per frame
     void Update()

         if (seconds == timeInterval) {
             currentSpeed = SpeedUp(currentSpeed);
             time = 0;
         rb.velocity = currentSpeed;

         Debug.Log("Speed is: " + currentSpeed);


     Vector3 SpeedUp(Vector3 iSpeed) {
         Vector3 newSpeed = iSpeed + speedInc;
         Debug.Log("Speeding up");
         return newSpeed;

     void TrackTime() {
         time += Time.deltaTime;
         seconds = (int)time % 60;
         Debug.Log(seconds + " seconds have past");

     void LockPos() {
         Vector3 pos = transform.position;
         pos.x = startPositionX;
         transform.position = pos;
         transform.rotation = startRotation;

在上面的代码中,我创建了一个计时器,跟踪秒数,然后在 XXX 秒过后提高速度。我究竟做错了什么?如果有必要,我可以发布生成器和生成点的代码。有没有更合适的地方来执行这个?谢谢!!

标签: unity3d







public class ObstacleSpawner : MonoBehaviour
     // Keeps track of the time and increases speed based off the time
     float time = 0;
     int seconds = 0;
     public int timeInterval; // Time interval where speed is increased

     // Speed stuff
     public Vector3 speedInc; // Speed increase each time interval
     public float initialSpeed; // Initial speed in the Z direction
     Vector3 currentSpeed; // Current speed of the object

     //Prefab of the object
     GameObject obstaclePrefab = null;

     //Tracking all the objects
     List<GameObject> obstacleList = new List<GameObject>();

     void InstantiateNewObstacle()
        GameObject newObstacle = Instantiate(obstaclePrefab);
        newObstacle.GetComponent<RigidBody>().velocity = currentSpeed;
        //If you want to Lock the position (that should not be necessary, do it here too)

     // Update is called once per frame
     void Update()

         if (seconds == timeInterval) {
             currentSpeed = SpeedUp(currentSpeed);
             time = 0;
         Debug.Log("Speed is: " + currentSpeed);


    Vector3 SpeedUp(Vector3 iSpeed) {
         Vector3 newSpeed = iSpeed + speedInc;
         Debug.Log("Speeding up");
         return newSpeed;

     void TrackTime() {
         time += Time.deltaTime;
         seconds = (int)time % 60;
         Debug.Log(seconds + " seconds have past");

现在,每次您想要生成一个新的障碍物时,您只需调用ObstacleSpawner.InstantiateNewObject();. 请记住,这obstacleList不是必需的,但我很确定这对您的游戏类型很有用。
