首页 > 解决方案 > 实施哈里斯角检测


我正在尝试实现哈里斯角检测。一步计算标量角值。我总是得到等于 0 的行列式。我错过了什么?我想我误解了计算行列式,我如何计算它。

int convolve(const Mat &image, int x, int y)
    // Coordinate around (x,y):
    //(y-1,x-1)   (y-1,x)     (y-1,x+1)
    //(y  ,x-1)   (y  ,x)     (y  ,x+1)
    //(y+1,x-1)   (y+1,x)     (y+1,x+1)    
    // suppose kernel 3x3
    double sum = 0.f;
    for (auto i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
        for (auto j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
            sum += image.at<double>(y+j,x+j);
    return sum;

Mat cal_Harris_Value(const Mat &image, const Mat &Ix, const Mat &Iy, float alpha, float threshold, float sigma, int widthKernel)
    auto Ix_square = cal_Ix_square(Ix); // Ix_square = Ix.mul(Ix)
    auto Iy_square = cal_Iy_square(Iy); // Iy_square = Iy.mul(Iy)
    auto Ix_Iy = cal_Ix_Iy(Ix, Iy);     // Ix_Iy     = Ix.mul(Iy)  

    // function clone_image : create image with the same type from  
    auto R_matrix = clone_image(image, CV_64F);

    int width = R_matrix.cols;
    int height = R_matrix.rows;

    for (auto y = 1; y < height - 1; y++)
        for (auto x = 1; x < width - 1; x++)
            //double ix_ix, iy_iy, ix_iy;

            auto ix_ix = convolve(Ix_square, x, y);
            auto iy_iy = convolve(Iy_square, x, y);
            auto ix_iy = convolve(Ix_Iy, x, y);
            auto trace = ix_ix + iy_iy;
            auto R = ix_ix * iy_iy - ix_iy * ix_iy - alpha * trace * trace;
            R_matrix.at<double>(y,x) = R;

    return R_matrix;

标签: c++computer-visionfeature-detection

