首页 > 解决方案 > 如何触发Firebase云功能每天一次按条件更新字段并向Android客户端发送推送通知


我对 Firebase 的 Cloud Functions 完全陌生,我需要一点支持。

我会触发两个云功能,一个每天运行一次,另一个向我的 Android 客户端应用程序发送推送通知。

让我写一点我的 Cloud Firestore(不是实时数据库)的表示,ID 是由 Firebase 自动生成的:


我在用 koltin 编写的客户端 Android 应用程序中执行所有操作以正确填充和更新数据库,但我需要更多这些东西。

如果文档中表示日期的字符串已过期,我每天将触发一次的函数必须更新字段adIdXX,然后它应该使用字符串“EXPIRED”更改同一文档引用中的另一个字段。所有这些操作都必须针对adIdXX在所有数据库中具有 a 的每个 docRef 完成,因此对于每个/myitems/{id}each/users/{id}和对于 each /itemsonsale/{id}


/itemsonsale/{id} checks fields "status"=="SOLD"
  take ownerID
  go to /users/ownerIdXX/myitems/adIdXX/myinterestedusers/{id}
  and send a push notification for each of those {id} documents in that collection

注意:uIdXX_adIdXX 代表 ownerId_adId



exports.checkItemsSold = 
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
  const after = change.after.data()
  const before = change.before.data()
  const oldStatus = before.itemStatus
  const newStatus = after.itemStatus
  console.log(`Item's owner replaced ${oldStatus} with ${newStatus}\n`)
  if(newStatus === "SOLD")
     //here I have to send push to interested users

exports.checkItemsExpirationDate = 
functions.firestore.document('/users/{uid}/myitems/{iid}') //but really all the db so also /itemsonsale/{id}
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
  const after = change.after.data()
  const before = change.before.data()
  //I'm not sure if onUpdate() is the right way for this task
  //but this function has to perform the check of date expiration
  //from 'expiryDate' field and in case of it's expired must set
  //"EXPIRED" to 'itemStatus' field. All for each item in the db, once a day
  console.log('Updated info from data: ', after)


标签: androidfirebasegoogle-cloud-firestoregoogle-cloud-functionsfirebase-cloud-messaging



exports.checkItemsSold = 
.onUpdate((change, context) => {
  const after = change.after.data()
  const before = change.before.data()
  const oldStatus = before.itemStatus
  const newStatus = after.itemStatus
  console.log(`Item's owner replaced ${oldStatus} with ${newStatus}\n`)
  if(newStatus === "SOLD")
     //here I have to send push to interested users


//Let's supose that you want to check the expiration date every day in the first minute of the day
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

let db = admin.firestore();
exports.scheduledFunctionCrontab = functions.pubsub.schedule('1 0 * * *')
  .timeZone('America/New_York') // Users can choose timezone - default is America/Los_Angeles
  .onRun((context) => {
  //Here goes your code to change the status of the field needed in your DB to Expired.
  return null;

对不起,如果代码有错误,但我不擅长 NodeJS。祝你好运!
