首页 > 解决方案 > 井字游戏的 Minimax 算法进入无限递归循环


问题: 我编写的 Minimax 函数完成了第一棵树,它填满了井字游戏板的所有可能槽,但随后分数开始返回我设置的无限值。

提示: 一旦板子第一次完全填满,递归就开始变坏,然后它试图清空板子跟踪,但在清空最后三个插槽后卡住,进入无限循环。返回值是无穷大,包括负数和正数。不知何故,板子没有被清空,因此值没有改变。

一些信息: 我正在用 Unity C# 构建项目,我使用的数组数据结构是用于存储板信息的结构类型。

//The initial function that returns the optimal move for AI to execute.
    public int[] GetMove()
        int aBestScore = -mInfinity;
        int[] aMoveInfo = new int[2];

        int aLength = mAIPosInfo.GetLength(0);
        mBreakPoint = mBreakLimit;
        int aTest = -1;

        //Initial loop that tests the first move and gets into the recursion
        for (int i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < aLength; j++)
                if (mAIPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece == PieceId.Empty)
                    mAIPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece = mAIPiece;

                    int aScore = MiniMax(mAIPosInfo, 0, 0, 0, false, i, j);
                    mAIPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece = PieceId.Empty;

                    if (aScore > aBestScore)
                        aBestScore = aScore;
                        aMoveInfo[0] = i;
                        aMoveInfo[1] = j;


        return aMoveInfo;

    private int MiniMax(AIPosInfo[,] pPosInfo, int pDepth, bool pMaximizingPlayer, int pRowId, int pColId)

        int aScore = CheckScore(pMaximizingPlayer, pPosInfo, pRowId, pColId);

        if (pDepth >= mDepthLimit || aScore != -5) //-5 is value returned for still playing
            return aScore;

    //Maximizing player turn..the AI Turn!!!
        if (pMaximizingPlayer)
            int aMaxEval = -mInfinity;
            int aLength = pPosInfo.GetLength(0);

            for (int i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < aLength; j++)
                    if (pPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece == PieceId.Empty)
                        pPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece = mAIPiece;

                        int aEvalve = MiniMax(pPosInfo, pDepth + 1, false, i, j);

                        pPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece = PieceId.Empty;

                        aMaxEval = Mathf.Max(aEvalve, aMaxEval);

                return aMaxEval;           
        else   //THE HUMAN PLAYER'S TURN
            int aLength = pPosInfo.GetLength(0);
            int aMinEval = mInfinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < aLength; j++)
                    if (pPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece == PieceId.Empty)

                        pPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece = mHumanPiece;

                        int aEval = MiniMax(pPosInfo, pDepth + 1, true, i, j);

                        pPosInfo[i, j].mFilledPiece = PieceId.Empty;

                        aMinEval = Mathf.Min(aEval, aMinEval);


            return aMinEval;


CheckScore 和 CheckWin 功能,字典有这个信息

    mScoreInfo.Add(PieceId.Cross, 1); //AI
    mScoreInfo.Add(PieceId.Zero, -1); //Human
    mScoreInfo.Add(PieceId.Draw, 0);
    mScoreInfo.Add(PieceId.Playing, -5);

private int CheckScore(bool pMaximizing, AIPosInfo[,] pPosInfo, int pRowId, int pColId)
        PieceId aPieceId;
        int aValue;
        if (pMaximizing)
            aPieceId = mAIPiece;
            aPieceId = mHumanPiece;

        PieceId aResult = CheckWin(pRowId, pColId, aPieceId, pPosInfo, true);

        if (mScoreInfo.TryGetValue(aResult, out aValue))

            return aValue;
            Debug.LogError("Undefined Variable in PieceId enum");
            return 0;


public PieceId CheckWin(int pRowId, int pColId, PieceId pPieceId, AIPosInfo[,] pPosArray, bool pAI)//The functionalities for the last parameter was removed because it wasn't needed. 

        var aPosArray = pPosArray;

        bool aHorMatch = true;
        bool aVerMatch = true;
        bool aDiag1Match = true;
        bool aDiag2Match = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < BoardSetup.mInstance.mDegree; i++)

            if (aPosArray[pRowId, i].mFilledPiece != pPieceId)
                aHorMatch = false;
                //Debug.LogError("Not Horizontal");

            if (aPosArray[i, pColId].mFilledPiece != pPieceId)
                aVerMatch = false;
                //Debug.LogError("Not Vertical");

            if (aPosArray[i, i].mFilledPiece != pPieceId)
                aDiag1Match = false;
                //  Debug.LogError("Not Diagonal 1");

            if (aPosArray[i, (BoardSetup.mInstance.mDegree - 1) - i].mFilledPiece != pPieceId)
                aDiag2Match = false;
                //Debug.LogError("Not Diagonal 2");

        if (aHorMatch ||
           aVerMatch ||
           aDiag1Match ||

            return pPieceId;
            var aBoardInfo = BoardSetup.mInstance.mPosInfo;
            bool aCheckFill = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < aBoardInfo.Count; i++)
                if (aBoardInfo[i].mFilledPiece == PieceId.Empty)
                    aCheckFill = false;

            if (aCheckFill)

                Debug.Log("Game Tied");

                return PieceId.Draw;

        return PieceId.Playing;


标签: c#unity3dartificial-intelligencetic-tac-toeminimax

