首页 > 解决方案 > Rest API 根据 woocommerce 中的用户 ID 将产品存储在购物车中


我发现并被少数人接受的唯一相关参考是下面提到的代码,但是选项表中没有存储会话,其键为 '_wc_session_'.$user_id

function add_products_programmatically($user_id) {

// Get the current session data and saved cart
$wc_session_data = get_option('_wc_session_'.$user_id);

// Get the persistent cart
$full_user_meta = get_user_meta($user_id,'_woocommerce_persistent_cart', true);

// Create a new WC_Cart instance and add products programmatically
$cart = get_new_cart_with_products();

// If there is a current session cart, overwrite it with the new cart
if($wc_session_data) {
    $wc_session_data['cart'] = serialize($cart->cart_contents);
    update_option('_wc_session_'.$user_id, $wc_session_data);

// Overwrite the persistent cart with the new cart data
$full_user_meta['cart'] = $cart->cart_contents;
update_user_meta($user_id, '_woocommerce_persistent_cart', $full_user_meta);

标签: wordpresswoocommercecartwoocommerce-rest-api


在对 woo-commerce 使用持久购物车的方式进行了大量研究之后,我创建了一个可行的解决方案。

function woocomm_add_to_cart($param) {

global $wpdb;
$user_id = $param['user_id'];
$objProduct = new WC_Session_Handler();

$wc_session_data = $objProduct->get_session($user_id);

// Get the persistent cart may be _woocommerce_persistent_cart can be in your case check in user_meta table
$full_user_meta = get_user_meta($user_id,'_woocommerce_persistent_cart_1',true);

// create new Cart Object
$cartObj = new WC_Cart();

// Add old cart data to newly created cart object
if($full_user_meta['cart']) {
    foreach($full_user_meta['cart'] as $sinle_user_meta) {
        $cartObj->add_to_cart( $sinle_user_meta['product_id'], $sinle_user_meta['quantity']  );

// Add product and quantities coming in request to the new cart object
    foreach($param['products'] as $prod) {
        $cartObj->add_to_cart( $prod['product_id'], $prod['quantity']  );

$updatedCart = [];
foreach($cartObj->cart_contents as $key => $val) {
    $updatedCart[$key] = $val;

// If there is a current session cart, overwrite it with the new cart
if($wc_session_data) {
    $wc_session_data['cart'] = serialize($updatedCart);
    $serializedObj = maybe_serialize($wc_session_data);

    $table_name = 'wp_woocommerce_sessions';

    // Update the wp_session table with updated cart data
    $sql ="UPDATE $table_name SET 'session_value'= '".$serializedObj."', WHERE  'session_key' = '".$user_id."'";

    // Execute the query
    $rez = $wpdb->query($sql);

// Overwrite the persistent cart with the new cart data
$full_user_meta['cart'] = $updatedCart;
update_user_meta($user_id, '_woocommerce_persistent_cart_1', $full_user_meta);

$response = [
    'status' => true,
    'message' => 'Products successfully added to cart'

return rest_ensure_response($response);


这是 Rest API 的请求 json 数据:

{"user_id": 15, "products" : [{"product_id":"81","quantity":"0.5"},{"product_id":"1817","quantity":"0.5"}]}
