首页 > 解决方案 > 从字符串数组中查找整数并使用创建的函数打印它



给定一个由单词和数值组成的多行文本 (char text[20][81])。单词是字母和/或数字的连续序列,其余是分隔符或数字。从文本中突出显示不属于单词的整个正数值。不要修改源文本。

实现并使用将整数从字符串 str 写入数组 numbers 的函数:

int getNumbers ( const char str[81], int numbers[40]);

输入数据:str-source string 输出数据:numbers-source 字符串中包含的整数数组,返回值是整数个数


int findInteger( const char str[81], char **end);

输入数据: 1. str - 源字符串


  1. end - 指向整数后面的字符的指针;如果未检测到整数,则返回 NULL,返回值为可识别的整数

输入数据的格式。[M] [1st line] [2nd line] 等 M 是文本中的行数,范围为 [1, 20] 的整数。

输出的格式。[第一个数字] [空格] [第二个数字]等;如果没有所需的数字,请输入消息“无解决方案”

PS 添加一个空值的测试

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)

int findInteger(const char str[81], char** end)
    int i, div, j, c;
    char num[81], **endc;

    if ((str[0] == 0) || (str[0] == 1) || (str[0] == 2) 
        || (str[0] == 3) || (str[0] == 4) || (str[0] == 5) 
        || (str[0] == 6) || (str[0] == 7) || (str[0] == 8) 
        || (str[0] == 9) || (str[0] == '\0') || (str[0] == ' ') 
        || str[0] == '!' || str[0] == '"' || str[0] == '\'' 
        || str[0] == ';' || str[0] == ':' || str[0] == '?' 
        || str[0] == '-' || str[0] == '.' || str[0] == ',' 
        || str[0] == ' ' || str[0] == '\n' )

        div = 1;

        div = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < 81; i++)
        if ((div) && ((str[i] == 0) || (str[i] == 1) || (str[i] == 2)
            || (str[i] == 3) || (str[i] == 4) || (str[i] == 5)
            || (str[i] == 6) || (str[i] == 7) || (str[i] == 8)
            || (str[i] == 9))) 
            for (j = i; j < 81; j++) 
                if ((str[j]) == 'a' || 'b' || 'c' || 'd' ||'e' ||'g'||'h'||'i'||'j'||'k'||'l'||'m'||'n'||'o'||'p'||'q'||'r'||'s'||'t'||'u'||'v'||'w'||'x'||'y'||'z') 
                    j = 81;
                    endc = 0;
                    if (((!(str[j])) == ('a' || 'b' || 'c' || 'd' || 'e' || 'g' || 'h' || 'i' || 'j' || 'k' || 'l' 
                        || 'm' || 'n' || 'o' || 'p' || 'q' || 'r' || 's' || 't' || 'u' || 'v' || 'w' || 'x' || 'y' || 'z'
                        ||'1'||'2'||'3'||'4'||'5'||'6'||'7'||'8'||'9'||'0')) || ((j == (80)) && ((str[j] == 0) || (str[j] == 1) || (str[j] == 2)
                        || (str[j] == 3) || (str[j] == 4) || (str[j] == 5)|| (str[j] == 6) || (str[j] == 7) || (str[j] == 8)
                        || (str[j] == 9)))) 
                        for (i; i < j; i++) 
                            num[i] = str[i];
                            *endc == &str[j];
                            j = 81;

                        if ((j == (80)) && ((str[j] == 0) || (str[j] == 1) || (str[j] == 2)
                            || (str[j] == 3) || (str[j] == 4) || (str[j] == 5)
                            || (str[j] == 6) || (str[j] == 7) || (str[j] == 8)
                            || (str[j] == 9))) 
                            num[j] = str[j];
                            endc = 0;
                            j = 81;
    c = atoi(num); 
    return (c);        

int getNumbers(const char str[81], int numbers[40])
    int count = 0;
    char tmp = '\0';
    char* tmpstr = &tmp;
    strcpy(tmpstr, str);
    char** pEnd = &tmpstr;
    int i = 0;
        numbers[i] = findInteger(tmpstr, pEnd);
        if (!*pEnd) { count++; }
        else { i++; tmpstr = *pEnd; }
    } while (*pEnd);
    return count;

int main()
    char digit[20][81]; 

    char *num[81], *endc;
    int M; 
    scanf("%d", &M); 

    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) 
        fgets(digit[i], 81, stdin);

    int allCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) 
        findInteger(digit[i] , &endc);
        allCount = i++;
        getNumbers(num[i], &M[&i]);

    printf("%d", &endc);
    /*if (!allCount) 
        printf("no solution\n");
    return 0;

标签: carraysstringfunctionmultidimensional-array


首先你必须了解 ASC II,检查它ASC II,它说 C 中的每个字符都有一个对应的整数。例如,如果检查:

char letter = 'A'
if( (int)letter == 65)
   printf("It's me");

更准确地说,该字母是 char 类型,但如果将其转换为整数 (int) 字母,则整数值是一个数字。这将有助于解决问题。看到char'A'等于整数65,'B'是66,'C'是67......这意味着如果你这样做

if( (int)letter >= 65 || (int)letter <= 90) 
   printf("I'm a capslock letter");

当字母 = 'A' 时,它会打印出来。

对您有帮助的另一件事是“0”与 0 不同。“0”是一个字符值,而 0 是一个整数。要在您的程序中找到数字,必须按照以下方式进行:


char str[] = "Today is 23 and yet 16PM";
int index = 0;
while(str[index] != '\0') {
 if(str[index] >= '0' && str[index] <= 9) {
    printf("I m a number, my postion is %d", index);
 index = index + 1;

每个字符串的结尾都是'\0',如果你打印它就不会显示出来,因为它只是标记结尾,但是你可以在你没有到达结尾时使用它来迭代字符串。代码从位置 0(索引 = 0)开始,所有字符串都从位置 0 开始。下面看到字符串的第一个字母:

printf("%c", str[0]);



int j = 0; // this hold index of array numbers

for(int i = 0; i < 81; ++i) {

   // if str is between this numbers, it's a separator
   if( (int)str[i] >= 32 && (int)str[i] <= 47) {

      i += 1;        // let's check the next char
      int lastj = j; // this save the last real numbers

      // while true is always true and run forever, until command break
      // edit: you can check end of string instead, in the while statment 
      while( true ) {

            // check if it a number
            if( (int)str[i] >= '0' && (int)str[i] <= '9') {
               numbers[j] = atoi(str[i]);
               j += 1;

            // check if it s a separator
            } else if((int)str[i] >= 32 && (int)str[i] <= 47) {
            } else {
               //if there's a letter on it, that is not a number!
               j = lastj; // "erase" numbers write into array
