首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在 Python 中忽略“KeyError”


我正在尝试使用 api“yfinance”分析 python 中的股票。我让程序在大多数情况下都能正常运行。但是,当它无法“找到”其中一个字段时,它会出现错误(KeyError)。这是我的代码片段。

import yfinance as yf
stock = yf.Ticker(stock)
pegRatio = stock.info['pegRatio']
if pegRatio > 1:
    print("The PEG Ratio for "+name+" is high, indicating that it may be overvalued (based on projected earnings growth).")
if pegRatio == 1:
    print("The PEG Ratio for "+name+" is 1, indicating that it is close to fair value.")
if pegRatio < 1:
    print("The PEG Ratio for "+name+" is low, indicating that it may be undervalued (based on projected earnings growth).")

这是错误 Traceback(最近一次调用最后一次):第 29 行,industry = stock.info['industry'] KeyError: 'industry'


标签: pythonerror-handlingkeyerror


Python 中的错误处理

就像Nicolas已经评论过的那样,您会在网络上找到许多教程、博客文章和视频。还有一些涵盖“错误处理”的基本 Python 书籍。

Python 中的控制结构至少包含 2 个关键字tryexcept,通常命名为try-except block。还有 2 个可选关键字elsefinally.


import yfinance as yf

try: # st art watching for errors
  stock = yf.Ticker(stock)  # the API call may also fail, e.g. no connection
  pegRatio = stock.info['pegRatio']  # here your actual exception was thrown
except KeyError:  # catch unspecific or specific errors/exceptions
  # handling this error type begins here: print and return
  print "Error: Could not find PEG Ratio in Yahoo! Finance response!"

# the happy path continues here: with pegRatio
if pegRatio > 1:
    print("The PEG Ratio for "+name+" is high, indicating that it may be overvalued (based on projected earnings growth).")
if pegRatio == 1:
    print("The PEG Ratio for "+name+" is 1, indicating that it is close to fair value.")
if pegRatio < 1:
    print("The PEG Ratio for "+name+" is low, indicating that it may be undervalued (based on projected earnings growth).")
