首页 > 解决方案 > How is Model::find($id) secure in Laravel?


I have an app where I create entries based on who is signed in. If I use the find($id) method it returns json response. The function is like this:

public function edit($id)
        $chore = Chore::find($id);
        return response()->json($chore);

Now if I where to edit the id value I might be able to access other user's data which isn't secure at all. So I added and extra column user_id that checks who is signed in:

public function edit($id)
        $chore = Chore::find($id)
        ->where('user_id', Auth::id());
        return response()->json($chore);

But of course laravel can't make it easy so it doesn't work. Adding ->get() returns an array instead of a json response. First of all how is find($id) ever secure in any app that uses authentication and secondly how do I add another condition under the find($id) clause? I need data returned in JSON otherwise I will need to rewrite all my front-end which isn't ideal at this point.

I also tried:

 public function edit($id)
        $chore = Chore::where('id', $id)
        ->where('user_id', Auth::id());
        return response()->json($chore);

but no luck

标签: phplaravel


如果 Chore 与您的 User 模型是一对一的关系,那么您可以在您的User.php模型中创建关系。

public function chore() {
    return $this->hasOne(Chore::class);


Eloquent 的find()方法仅通过主键查找一条记录。如果您使用额外的验证,它是非常安全的。您可以使用路由模型绑定来简化代码。


Route::get('/chore/{chore}/', 'ChoreController@edit');


public function edit(Chore $chore)
   if (! $chore->user_id === auth()->id()) {
     // throw error or redirect, or whetever

   return response()->json($chore);



    public function authorize() {
        return $this->route('chore')->user_id === $this->user()->id
