首页 > 解决方案 > 我如何使用下面的代码发布数据并告诉用户在发送消息时等待


我目前正在为 android 使用 b4a


enter code here
 ',' expected.`enter code here`

enter code here
Dim j As HttpJob
            j.Initialize("", Me)
            j.PostString($"http://kccug.com/KabojjaApp/RecieveSMS.ashx?customerId=${act}&s=${edtMessage.Text}&d=${getdate(DateTime.Now)}&id=${NewID}&ph=${phone}&f=${sx}"$ )
            Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
            If j.Success Then
            End If

enter code here

标签: vb4android


You are using j.PostString which sends a post request. However, you are not using it correctly. j.PostString requires a second parameter: the post data. B4A expects you to put in a comma and the second paramter after the url, but you are only giving 1 parameter (the url) to the function. However, looking at your URL, it seems like your backend is handling stuff through GET requests only anyway, not POST. So really, what you should be using is j.Download. Try this code:

Dim j As HttpJob
j.Initialize("", Me)
Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
End If

It's exactly the same, but it uses Download instead of PostString.
