首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 Rails,我应该如何配置我的 application.rb 以允许 CORS 请求发生?


我使用 Rails 作为后端 API 来支持使用 VueJS 制作的前端。我想在网站上按下按钮时从 VueJS 发送 POST 请求,我使用 axios 来执行此操作

methods: {
    // Performs a POST request to the rails endpoint and passes the email and pass as parameters
        signup() {
          if (this.password === this.password_confirmation) {
              .post("/signup", {
                email: this.email,
                password: this.password,
                password_confirmation: this.password_confirmation
              // If successful execute signinSuccesful
              .then(response => this.signinSuccesful(response))
              // If it doesn't run for whatever reason, execute signupFailed
              .catch(error => this.signinFailed(error));

理论上,这应该创建一个 API 接收的 POST 请求,我试图像这样捕获请求:post "signup", controller: :signup, action: :create

但是,当我在 chrome 上查看控制台时,我在第一次加载网站时遇到错误:


当我单击按钮发送 POST 请求时出现另一个错误:*

从源“ http://localhost:8080 ”访问“ http://localhost:3000/signup ”的 XMLHttpRequest已被 CORS 策略阻止:Access-Control-Allow-Headers 不允许请求标头字段内容类型在预检响应中。


`module RecordstoreBackend
     class Application < Rails::Application
        # Initialize configuration defaults for originally generated Rails version.
        config.load_defaults 6.0
        config.api_only = true

        config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
          allow do
            origins '*'
            resource '*', headers: :any, methods: [:get, :patch, :put, :delete, :post, :options]


标签: ruby-on-railsvue.jspostaxioscors


在我看来,您似乎缺少该请求的主机(在您的 Vue 应用程序上)。请注意,错误0/signup表明它正在向它发送请求,http://0/signup这反过来又“拒绝”了连接。

我不熟悉 Vue.js 结构,但我建议将 axios 调用封装在将使用host来自环境配置文件的插件上,以便您可以为 localhost 和生产环境使用不同的主机。甚至只是将主机添加到您的环境中:

methods: {
    // Performs a POST request to the rails endpoint and passes the email and pass as parameters
        signup() {
          if (this.password === this.password_confirmation) {
              .post(`${process.env.API_HOST}/signup`, {
                email: this.email,
                password: this.password,
                password_confirmation: this.password_confirmation
              // If successful execute signinSuccesful
              .then(response => this.signinSuccesful(response))
              // If it doesn't run for whatever reason, execute signupFailed
              .catch(error => this.signinFailed(error));

参考:https ://cli.vuejs.org/guide/mode-and-env.html#environment-variables

如果您想以现在的方式修复它,只需将您的主机添加到 axios 调用中:

methods: {
    // Performs a POST request to the rails endpoint and passes the email and pass as parameters
        signup() {
          if (this.password === this.password_confirmation) {
              .post("http://localhost:3000/signup", {
                email: this.email,
                password: this.password,
                password_confirmation: this.password_confirmation
              // If successful execute signinSuccesful
              .then(response => this.signinSuccesful(response))
              // If it doesn't run for whatever reason, execute signupFailed
              .catch(error => this.signinFailed(error));

关于 CORS 错误,请检查:https ://stackoverflow.com/a/25727411/715444
