首页 > 解决方案 > Remove mouse/cursor design on mobile view


I used this library called Magicmouse.js https://github.com/dshongphuc/magic-mouse-js I added the CDN and the code and it worked perfectly. However, when using responsive and mobile view on chrome and browsing on mobile, the point stays on where you tap it.

How can I disable this mouse/cursor design when in responsive and mobile view? Is there some code to add in the script file? This one is what exactly on github

<script type="text/javascript">
    options = {
"cursorOuter": "circle-basic",
"hoverEffect": "circle-move",
"hoverItemMove": false,
"defaultCursor": false,
"outerWidth": 30,
"outerHeight": 30

Thanks for any help

标签: javascriptjquerycssmousemouseover


我是 Magicmouse.js 的维护者,很抱歉来得太晚了,我几个小时前才发现你的问题。多亏了你的问题,我现在发现了 Magicmouse.js 的问题,所以当窗口的大小小于 768 像素(手机和平板电脑)时,我禁用了这些库。我们可以使用其他方式来检测设备是否真正移动,但它可能需要一些其他库来执行此操作,因此它会使我们的库太大。


谢谢 !如果您对 Magicmouse.js 有其他问题,请在 repo 中创建新问题,以便我可以轻松检查。
