首页 > 解决方案 > 基于子集的递归python匹配算法工作太慢



它本质上是接收学生感兴趣的标签列表,然后搜索这些标签与已经过了间隔年并在网站上注册的人(他们也在注册时选择了标签)的完全匹配。如下所示,精确匹配是用户指定的标签全部包含在某个配置文件中(即,是一个子集)。如果找不到与用户输入的所有标签的完全匹配,它将检查标签列表本身的所有 n-1 长度子集,以查看是否有任何选择性较低的查询匹配. 它递归地执行此操作,直到找到至少 3 个匹配项。虽然它适用于小标签选择(最多 5-7),但对于较大的标签选择(7-13)会变慢,需要几秒钟才能返回结果。When 11-13 tags are selected, hits a Heroku error due to worker timeout.

我通过将变量放入算法中以计算计算量进行了一些测试,似乎当它深入递归堆栈时,它每次检查几百个子集(查看该子集是否有一个精确匹配,如果有即,将其添加到结果列表以输出),并且当您再添加一个标签时,计算总数加倍(对于越来越多的标签,它进行了 54、150、270、500、1000、1900、3400 次操作)。确实,每个深度都有几百个子集。但是我写的exactMatches是O(1)(没有迭代),除了像IF这样的其他O(1)操作之外,子集循环内的FOR最多会经历大约10次。这与每次数千次计算的测量结果一致。

这并不让我感到惊讶,因为选择和迭代所有子集似乎不会变得更难,但我的问题是为什么它这么慢,尽管只进行了几千次计算。我知道我的计算机在 GHz 下运行,并且我希望 Web 服务器是类似的,所以几千次计算肯定会接近瞬时?我错过了什么,我该如何改进这个算法?我应该研究其他任何方法吗?

# takes in a list of length n and returns a list of all combos of subsets of depth n
def arbSubsets(seq, n):
    return list(itertools.combinations(seq, len(seq)-n))

# takes in a tagsList and check Gapper.objects.all to see if any gapper has all those tags
def exactMatches(tagsList):
    tagsSet = set(tagsList)
    exactMatches = []
    for gapper in Gapper.objects.all():
        gapperSet = set(gapper.tags.names())
        if tagsSet.issubset(gapperSet):
    return exactMatches

# takes in tagsList that has been cleaned to remove any tags that NO gappers have and then checks gapper objects to find optimal match
def matchGapper(tagsList, depth, results):
    # handles the case where we're only given tags contained by no gappers
    if depth == len(tagsList):
        return []
    # counter variable is to measure complexity for debugging
    counter += 1
    # we don't want too many results or it stops feeling tailored
    upper_limit_results = 3
    # now we must check subsets for match
    subsets = arbSubsets(tagsList, depth)
    for subset in subsets:
        counter += 1
        matches = exactMatches(subset)
        if matches:
            for match in matches:
                counter += 1
                # new need to check because we might be adding depth 2 to results from depth 1
                #  which we didn't do before, to make sure we have at least 3 results
                if match not in results:
                    # don't want to show too many or it doesn't feel tailored anymore
                    counter += 1
                    if len(results) > upper_limit_results: break
    # always give at least 3 results
    if len(results) > 2:
        return results
        # check one level deeper (less specific) into tags if not enough gappers that match to get more results
        counter += 1
        return matchGapper(tagsList, depth + 1, results)

# this is the list of matches we then return to the user 
matches = matchGapper(tagsList, 0, [])

标签: pythonalgorithmtime-complexitymatchsubset



此外,这种说法:This or adapting the stable marriage problem, I don't think any of those will work because it's a small dataset显然也不正确。尽管这些算法在一些非常简单的情况下可能是多余的,但它们仍然有效并且适用于它们。
