首页 > 解决方案 > Google Kickstart 2020 C 轮 - 倒计时。无法理解为什么我的解决方案不正确


我尝试了谷歌的 kickstart 2020 挑战。第 C 轮问题 1 让我有些难过。我尝试了许多不同的方式来完成挑战。问题看起来很简单,但我无法完成。问题是我不明白我做错了什么。请指出我正确的方向或用我的代码指出问题。


Google Kickstart 2020 - C 轮 | 问题 1 https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/kickstart/round/000000000019ff43/00000000003380d2

Avery 有一个由 N 个正整数组成的数组。数组的第 i 个整数是 Ai。

如果连续子数组的长度为 m 并且按顺序包含整数 m、m-1、m-2、...、2、1,则它是 m 倒计时。例如,[3, 2, 1] 是 3 倒计时。

你能帮 Avery 计算她的数组中的 K 倒计时数吗?

输入的第一行给出了测试用例的数量,T.T 测试用例紧随其后。每个测试用例都以包含整数 N 和 K 的行开始。第二行包含 N 个整数。第 i 个整数是 Ai。

对于每个测试用例,输出一行包含 Case #x: y,其中 x 是测试用例编号(从 1 开始),y 是她的数组中的 K 倒计时数。


        生成倒计时序列的数组 [K ... 1] - 签名
        计数器 = 0

            如果元素 == K:
                如果有空间对数组进行切片(签名长度) - 可能的签名
                        计数器 += 1


Python 3 代码:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
noc = int(input(''))  # getting the number of cases # NOC- number of cases

# Loop over the # of cases

for c in range(noc):
    (N, K) = [int(i) for i in input('').split(' ')]  # getting N, K

    # N - number of elements given
    # K - initial countdown value
    # getting the elements

    caseList = [int(i) for i in input('').split(' ')]

    # generating a 'signature' or list of factorial for the countdown

    steps = [i for i in range(1, K + 1)][::-1]

    # counter for number of matches

    countdown = 0  # init value

    # loop over each element i  n list

    for i in range(N):

        # if element == K(init countdown number)

        if caseList[i] == K:

            # make sure there is space to get the sliced array

            if i <= len(caseList) - len(steps):

                # get the next m numbers if

                if caseList[i:i + len(steps)] == steps:
                    countdown += 1  # increment
    print countdown  # print the number of matches

标签: pythonpython-3.x


您的解决方案似乎很好,除了输出不是指定的并且不是 Python 3 而是 2,只需将其更改为:

print(f'Case {c}: {countdown}')

除此之外,您所做的工作比需要的要多。您真的只需要浏览整个列表一次即可计算 K 倒计时。


import sys
from io import StringIO

sys.stdin = StringIO('3\n2 2\n2 1\n8 2\n0 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 0\n0 2\n\n')

t = int(input())
for c in range(t):
    (n, k) = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
    a = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
    # initialise goal, position in array and count
    goal, i, count = k, 0, 0
    while i < n:
        # if item in current position matches current goal
        if a[i] == goal:
            # then next goal item is one less
            goal -= 1
            # until all in K-countdown were found
            if goal == 0:
                # then start over and increase count
                goal = k
                count += 1
            # look at the next position
            i += 1
        # else (current item doesn't match goal), if already looking for start of K-countdown
        elif goal == k:
            # look at the next position
            i += 1
        # else (current item doesn't match goal, goal wasn't start of K-countdown)
            # look for start of K-countdown
            goal = k
    print(f'Case #{c}: {count}')
