首页 > 解决方案 > 在 HTML 代码中添加什么以打印成 CSV 或输出为 CSV


在此处输入图像描述我可以在 HTML 中创建和打印,但不能确定如何转换或添加某些内容以将其打印到 CSV 文件或 CSV 输出中。

      <TABLE border="1">
tr of concatenation of (th of "Computer Name" & th of "Support Group" & th of "Last Report Time" & th of "BES Relay Service Installed" & th of "OS Platform" & th of "Is BES Infrastructure") & concatenation of trs of (td of (item 0 of it as string) & td of (item 1 of it as string) & td of (item 2 of it as string) & td of (item 3 of it as string) & td of (item 4 of it as string) & td of (item 5 of it as string)) of (name of it, values of results from (bes property "Support Group") of it, last report time of it, values of results from (bes property "BES Relay Service Installed") of it, values of results from (bes property "OS Platform (Windows or Unix)") of it, values of results from (bes property "Is BES Infrastructure") of it) of bes computers whose (last report time of it < (now - 3*hour) AND (value of results from (bes property "BES Relay Service Installed") of it starts with  "Yes") AND (value of results from (bes property "Is BES Infrastructure") of it starts with "True") AND (value of results from (bes property "Support Group") of it contains "GTO") ) 

标签: htmlcsv

