首页 > 解决方案 > How to programmatically add a css rule to an element


I am using Angular 6 and Typescript. Here's my issue. I need to add a specific CSS rule to the host of a component that I am writing. I cannot apply that rule systematically, I need to have some logic in ngOnInit() before adding my rule. I know this sounds like bad practice, but there are no workarounds and this is the only way I can solve the problem I am facing. I can easily add classes on new styles to my host, but I cannot seem to find a way to add a rule.

Some people have been marking my question as a duplicate. Please read my question carefully. I am not trying to add a class, I am trying to a add a RULE. This is very different and there are no results for such question.

Here's the two rules I have that I want to add to my host element depending on some condition:

custom-component + custom-component > .vertical-component {
    margin-top: 1rem;


custom-component + custom-component > .horizontal-component {
    margin-left: 1rem;

In my component code, I have something like this:

export class CustomComponent {
    public constructor(private host: ElementRef, private renderer: Renderer2) {


    public applyStylesToHost(): void {
        if (this.variant == TYPE.VERTICAL) {
            // Set the rule with the margin-top
        } else {
            // Set the rule with the margin-left

I was looking for a method like this.renderer.setRule(), but there is no such thing. How can I programmatically add a specific rule to my host element?

The closest thing I found is this link. The author suggest doing document.createElement("style").sheet.addRule(), but when I tried to do it, the method addRule didn't exist on the sheet element.

标签: javascriptangulartypescript






