首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在嵌套的 if 语句中增加一个 for 循环


我通过使用 MOD 来区分井字游戏中的 2 个玩家,该 MOD 在递增的 for 循环中使用。我无法在嵌套的 if 语句中增加 for 循环。

            for i in range (1,10):
                if i % 2==1:
                    #1st row
                    if click[0]<=250 and click[0]>=100 and click[1]<=250 and click[1]>=100:
                        current_game[0][0] = "X"
                    elif click[0]<=550 and click[0]>=250 and click[1]<=250 and click[1]>=100:
                        current_game[0][1] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0]<=700 and click[0]>=550 and click[1]<=250 and click[1]>=100:
                        current_game[0][2] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    #2nd row
                    elif click[0]<=250 and click[0]>=100 and click[1]<= 550and click[1]>=250:
                        current_game[1][0] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0]<=550 and click[0]>=250 and click[1]<=550 and click[1]>=250:
                        current_game[1][1] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 700 and click[0] >= 550 and click[1] <= 550 and click[1] >= 250:
                        current_game[1][2] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    #3rd row
                    elif click[0]<=250 and click[0]>=100 and click[1]<= 700and click[1]>=550:
                        current_game[2][0] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 550 and click[0] >= 250 and click[1] <= 700 and click[1] >= 550:
                        current_game[2][1] = "X"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 700 and click[0] >= 550 and click[1] <= 700 and click[1] >= 550:
                        current_game[2][2] = "X"
                        i += 1
                elif i % 2==0:
                    # 1st row
                    if click[0] <= 250 and click[0] >= 100 and click[1] <= 250 and click[1] >= 100:
                        current_game[0][0] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 550 and click[0] >= 250 and click[1] <= 250 and click[1] >= 100:
                        current_game[0][1] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 700 and click[0] >= 550 and click[1] <= 250 and click[1] >= 100:
                        current_game[0][2] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    # 2nd row
                    elif click[0] <= 250 and click[0] >= 100 and click[1] <= 550 and click[1] >= 250:
                        current_game[1][0] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 550 and click[0] >= 250 and click[1] <= 550 and click[1] >= 250:
                        current_game[1][1] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 700 and click[0] >= 550 and click[1] <= 550 and click[1] >= 250:
                        current_game[1][2] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    # 3rd row
                    elif click[0] <= 250 and click[0] >= 100 and click[1] <= 700 and click[1] >= 550:
                        current_game[2][0] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 550 and click[0] >= 250 and click[1] <= 700 and click[1] >= 550:
                        current_game[2][1] = "o"
                        i += 1
                    elif click[0] <= 700 and click[0] >= 550 and click[1] <= 700 and click[1] >= 550:
                        current_game[2][2] = "o"
                        i += 1 

如果有人单击某个坐标空间,我希望能够增加 for 循环。

标签: pythonlistloopsfor-loopincrement


因为您使用for i in range(1, 10),所以在迭代期间进行的更改并不重要i,当它返回for循环时,它将被分配range. 例子:

for i in range(5):
    i += 2


>>> 0
>>> 3


>>> 0
>>> 1
>>> 2
>>> 3
>>> 4

这里发生了什么?首先,i分配 value 0,然后打印并递增(所以现在它等于 2)。接下来,i分配值1(来自range生成器),因此您所做的增量被覆盖。


i = 1
while i < 10:
    # do stuff
    i += 1

