首页 > 解决方案 > 来自firebase的密钥问题 - 从我的界面返回未定义


所以我在做 Mosh Hamedami 的在线课程。我或多或少一直在关注它,但一切正常。我可以将产品添加到 Firebase 并编辑/删除它们。现在我想实现一个“购物车”,我可以在其中添加一个特定的 CardId 并将 Items + 数量添加到该 cardId

但是,我遇到了一个问题,我想将产品添加到 firebase 购物车。添加带有 cartId 的购物车 - 时间戳有效。不知何故,我无法将项目添加到 cartId。

我猜我的 Observable 有问题……


_core.js:6260 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: Cannot read property 'key' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'key' of undefined_
at ShoppingCartService.<anonymous> (shopping-cart.service.ts:51)


  addToCart(product: Product) {

此外,我的编译器告诉我采取的形式 .pipe(take(1)) 是:

_error TS2684:“void”类型的“this”上下文不可分配给“Observable”类型的方法“this”。

不知何故 pipe(first()) 工作,但与密钥相同的问题。

我尝试了很多无法弄清楚我的错误。我也是 Angular 的新手,所以..我真的很感激任何我必须寻找问题的提示。


import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {AngularFireDatabase} from "@angular/fire/database";
import {Product} from "./models/product";
import 'rxjs/add/operator/take';
import {take} from "rxjs-compat/operator/take";
import {pipe} from "rxjs";
import {Observable} from "rxjs";
import {first} from "rxjs/operators";

  providedIn: 'root'
export class ShoppingCartService {

  constructor(private db: AngularFireDatabase) {

  //create shopping cart in db + add date(timestamp)
  private create() {
    return this.db.list("/shopping-carts").push({
      dateCreated: new Date().getTime()

  private getCart(cartId: string) {
    return this.db.object('/shopping-carts/' + cartId);

  private getItem(cartId: string, productId: string) {
    return this.db.object('/shopping-carts/' + cartId + '/items/' + productId);

  //getting reference to shopping cart
  private async getOrCreateCartId(): Promise<string> {

    let cartId = localStorage.getItem('cartId');
    if (cartId) return cartId;
    // calls this.create and waits for the response
    let result = await this.create();
    //saves cartId in local storage and returns
    localStorage.setItem('cartId', result.key);
    return result.key;

  //add new product to cart and safe localstorage
  async addToCart(product: Product) {
    const cartId = await this.getOrCreateCartId();
    //reference to products in firebase cart
    const item$ = this.getItem(cartId, product.key);

    item$.snapshotChanges().pipe(take(1)).subscribe((item: any) => {
      if (item) {
        item$.update({product: product, quantity: (item.quantity || 0) + 1});


export interface Product {
  key : string;
  title : string;
  price : number;
  category : string;
  imageURL : string;

调用 addToCart 的 html:

<div class="columns is-multiline is-narrow">
  <ng-container *ngFor="let p of filteredProductsByCategory">
    <div class="column is-one-third">
      <div class="card">
        <figure class="image is-square">
          <img [src]="p.imageURL" alt="{{p.title}}">
      <div class="card-content">
        <p class="title"> {{p.title}}</p>
        <p class="subtitle">{{p.price | currency: "USD"}}</p>
             class="button is-outlined is-primary"> Add to Cart</div>

如果需要,我还可以将我的代码上传到 GitHub!谢谢!!

标签: javascriptangularfirebasefirebase-realtime-databaseangularfire


// add new product to cart and safe localstorage
async addToCart(product: Product) { ... }

调用时很有可能addToCart根本product没有设置。您应该检查调用函数的位置(*.component.ts 或 *.component.html?),并且应该设置产品。


我猜你想通过p而不是product. 尝试以下操作:

    class="button is-outlined is-primary"> Add to Cart</div>
