首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用python在文本文档的每一行中打印不同的单词?


我是 python 新手,我想从句子中打印不同的单词。下面是文本文件


1. As more than one social media historian has reminded few people, the Stonewall uprising was a rio-— more pointedly, a riot against police brutality, in response to an NYPD raid of Greenwich Village’s 
Stonewall Inn, in the early morning of June 29, 1969.
2. As more than one social media historian has reminded majority people, the Stonewall uprising was a riot — more pointedly, a riot against police brutality, in response to an NYPD raid of Greenwich Village’s Stonewall Inn, in the evening of July 12, 1979.

从上面的文本文件中,我想要从第一行开始的第 10 个单词(few)、第 11 个单词(people)、第 39 个单词(morning)、第 43 个单词(1969)。第二行还有第 10 个词(多数)、第 11 个词(人)、第 39 个词(晚上)、第 43 个(1979 年)。

注意:在 Test.txt 中 1. 表示第一行,2. 表示第 2 行


with open('Test.txt', 'r') as file:
for line in file:
    print (line.split('reminded',1)[1])


few people, the Stonewall uprising was a riot - more pointedly, a riot against police brutality, in response to an NYPD raid of Greenwich Villagers  Stonewall Inn, in the early morning of June 29, 1969.
majority people, the Stonewall uprising was a riot — more pointedly, a riot against police brutality, in response to an NYPD raid of Greenwich Village’s Stonewall Inn, in the evening of July 12, 1979.



标签: python-3.x



datalist = ['few','people','morning','1969','majority','people','evening','1979']
with open('file.txt', 'r') as file:
    data = file.read().replace('\n', ' ')

outputlist = data.replace('.','').split(" ")
for data in outputlist:
    if data in datalist:
