首页 > 解决方案 > Cadence 或 Temporal 中的自定义工作流程


我计划在架构中使用 Cadence 或 Temporal Workflow,但是我们计划在决定工作流时赋予用户很大的权力。Cadence 和 Temporal 在他们的用例中都提到他们的 SDK 支持自定义 DSL,但我看不到该功能。你能帮帮我吗?

标签: cadence-workflowtemporal-workflow


Yes, custom DSLs can be implemented on top of Cadence/Temporal with a relative ease. The basic idea is that Temporal workflow definition is code and you have to write a simple interpreter of the DSL using that code. As code is fault tolerant and durable the DSL will get all the benefits of Cadence / Temporal.

Here is a DSL sample using Go SDK. We are going to add the Java one later.
