首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将 CircuitBreaker 与 TimeLimiter 和 Bulkhead 结合使用?


我有一个通过 REST 调用依赖项的服务。服务和依赖是微服务架构的一部分,所以我想使用弹性模式。我的目标是:



class FooService(@Autowired val circuitBreakerRegistry: CircuitBreakerRegistry)

    // State machine to take load off the dependency when slow or unresponsive
    private val circuitBreaker = circuitBreakerRegistry

    // Limit parallel requests to dependency
    private var semaphore = Semaphore(maxParallelRequests)

    // The protected function
    private suspend fun makeHttpCall(customerId: String): Boolean {
        val client = webClientProvider.getCachedWebClient(baseUrl)

        val response = client

        return when (val status = response.rawStatusCode()) {
            200 -> true
            204 -> false
            else -> throw Exception(
                "Foo service responded with invalid status code: $status"

    // Main function
    suspend fun isFoo(someId: String): Boolean {
        try {
            return circuitBreaker.executeSuspendFunction {
                semaphore.withPermit {
                    try {
                        withTimeout(timeoutMs) {
                    } catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) {
                        // This exception has to be converted because
                        // the circuit-breaker ignores CancellationException
                        throw Exception("Call to foo service timed out")
        } catch (e: CallNotPermittedException) {
            logger.error { "Call to foo blocked by circuit breaker" }
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            logger.error { "Exception while calling foo service: ${e.message}" }

        // Fallback
        return true


// Main function
suspend fun isFoo(someId: String): Boolean {
    return monoOf(makeHttpCall(someId))

标签: spring-bootspring-webfluxkotlin-coroutinesresilience4j


您也可以使用 Resilience4j 的 Bulkhead 代替您自己的 Semaphore 和 Resilience4j 的 TimeLimiter。您可以将 CircuitBreaker 与bulkhead.executeSuspendFunction和叠加timelimiter.executeSuspendFunction
