首页 > 解决方案 > 在插入符号包中:当使用度数 = 2 的 gamLoess 时,train() 崩溃


我正在尝试使用 LOESS(gamLoess来自gam包),使用caret包对广义加法模型进行 5 折交叉验证。我想测试所有可能的学位选项(即0、1degree=和 2)。问题是R当我使用degree=2. 我以前见过类似的问题(例如R Crashes when training using caret and method = gamLoess),但我不明白如何解决它。看起来是gam包中的一个错误。这已经解决了吗?


#The data


# A tibble: 100 x 2
     Time_s turn_rate_dgs_s
      <dbl>           <dbl>
  1 0                   0  
  2 0.00416           115. 
  3 0.00832           559. 
  4 0.0125            935. 
  5 0.0166            986. 
  6 0.0208           1606. 
  7 0.0250           1578. 
  8 0.0291           2195. 
  9 0.0333           1178. 
 10 0.0374           1699. 
 11 0.0416           1875. 
 12 0.0458           1648. 
 13 0.0499           1597. 
 14 0.0541           2239. 
 15 0.0582           2221. 
 16 0.0624           2278. 
 17 0.0666           1783. 
 18 0.0707           1678. 
 19 0.0749           1747. 
 20 0.0790           1479. 
 21 0.0832           2035. 
 22 0.0874           2378. 
 23 0.0915           1826. 
 24 0.0957           1659. 
 25 0.0998           2344. 
 26 0.104            1839. 
 27 0.108            1044. 
 28 0.112            1789. 
 29 0.116             721. 
 30 0.121             946. 
 31 0.125             143. 
 32 0.129             376. 
 33 0.133               0  
 34 0.137            -418. 
 35 0.141             127. 
 36 0.146           -1053. 
 37 0.150            -535. 
 38 0.154              87.4
 39 0.158            -437. 
 40 0.162            -730. 
 41 0.166            -441. 
 42 0.171            -553. 
 43 0.175            -893. 
 44 0.179            -694. 
 45 0.183            -847. 
 46 0.187             313. 
 47 0.191             581. 
 48 0.196            1121. 
 49 0.200            1753. 
 50 0.204            1504. 
 51 0.208            1185. 
 52 0.212            1659. 
 53 0.216             802. 
 54 0.220            1570. 
 55 0.225            1521. 
 56 0.229            1620. 
 57 0.233             732. 
 58 0.237            1263. 
 59 0.241            1590. 
 60 0.245            1279. 
 61 0.250            1133. 
 62 0.254            -187. 
 63 0.258             187. 
 64 0.262             165. 
 65 0.266             183. 
 66 0.270            -507. 
 67 0.275               0  
 68 0.279            -376. 
 69 0.283             376. 
 70 0.287            -492. 
 71 0.291            -147. 
 72 0.295            -468. 
 73 0.300            -322. 
 74 0.304            -122. 
 75 0.308            -273. 
 76 0.312             139. 
 77 0.316             615. 
 78 0.320             346. 
 79 0.324            1011. 
 80 0.329            1114. 
 81 0.333            1315. 
 82 0.337             737. 
 83 0.341             858. 
 84 0.345            1374. 
 85 0.349             816. 
 86 0.354             488. 
 87 0.358             979. 
 88 0.362              69.2
 89 0.366             304. 
 90 0.370             622. 
 91 0.374            -195. 
 92 0.379             497. 
 93 0.383            -199. 
 94 0.387             492. 
 95 0.391              40.6
 96 0.395             170. 
 97 0.399             -39.0
 98 0.404            -258. 
 99 0.408               0  
100 0.412             258. 

#Cross Validation

#Control to get a 5-fold cross validation, 10 samples using 10% of the observation each
control <- trainControl(method= "cv",   
                        number= 5,      
                        p= 0.9,
                        savePrediction= T )

grid <- expand.grid(span = seq(0.1, 0.65, len = 10), 
                    degree = c(0,1,2)                   )

train_loess <- train(turn_rate_dgs_s ~ Time_s,
                        method = "gamLoess",
                        tuneGrid = grid,
                        trControl= control,
                        data = turning_rate_4954)

我得到了一次,包括 2 级,但无法保存结果以显示在这里。但是它再也没有工作过,只要我这样做degree=(0,1),它就可以正常工作。


R版本 3.6.2

caret版本 6.0.86

gam版本 1.16.1

Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6


> sessionInfo()
R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.6

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.6/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/C/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] gam_1.16.1        foreach_1.5.0     caret_6.0-86      lattice_0.20-38   fANCOVA_0.5-1     readxl_1.3.1      patchwork_1.0.0   viridis_0.5.1    
 [9] viridisLite_0.3.0 forcats_0.5.0     stringr_1.4.0     purrr_0.3.4       readr_1.3.1       tidyr_1.1.0       tibble_3.0.1      ggplot2_3.3.1    
[17] tidyverse_1.3.0   dplyr_1.0.0       plyr_1.8.6       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.4           lubridate_1.7.8      class_7.3-15         assertthat_0.2.1     ipred_0.9-9          utf8_1.1.4           R6_2.4.1            
 [8] cellranger_1.1.0     backports_1.1.7      stats4_3.6.2         reprex_0.3.0         httr_1.4.1           pillar_1.4.4         rlang_0.4.6         
[15] rematch_1.0.1        data.table_1.12.8    rstudioapi_0.11      blob_1.2.1           rpart_4.1-15         Matrix_1.2-18        gower_0.2.1         
[22] munsell_0.5.0        broom_0.5.6          compiler_3.6.2       modelr_0.1.8         pkgconfig_2.0.3      nnet_7.3-12          tidyselect_1.1.0    
[29] prodlim_2019.11.13   gridExtra_2.3        codetools_0.2-16     fansi_0.4.1          crayon_1.3.4         dbplyr_1.4.4         withr_2.2.0         
[36] ModelMetrics_1.2.2.2 MASS_7.3-51.4        recipes_0.1.12       grid_3.6.2           nlme_3.1-142         jsonlite_1.6.1       gtable_0.3.0        
[43] lifecycle_0.2.0      DBI_1.1.0            magrittr_1.5         pROC_1.16.2          scales_1.1.1         cli_2.0.2            stringi_1.4.6       
[50] reshape2_1.4.4       fs_1.4.1             timeDate_3043.102    xml2_1.3.2           ellipsis_0.3.1       generics_0.0.2       vctrs_0.3.0         
[57] lava_1.6.7           iterators_1.0.12     tools_3.6.2          glue_1.4.1           hms_0.5.3            survival_3.1-8       colorspace_1.4-1    
[64] rvest_0.3.5          haven_2.3.1         

标签: rr-caret


不是原始问题的答案,而是 Todd Burus 的评论。特别是关于警告(见评论)。不确定所有这些是否与段错误(和 R 崩溃)问题有关。

当使用度数 0 和 1 时(没有使用度数 = 2 让 R 崩溃),像这样

grid <- expand.grid(span = seq(0.1, 0.65, len = 10), 
                    degree = seq(0,1, len=2)                    ) 

train_loess <- train(turn_rate_dgs_s ~ Time_s,
                        method = "gamLoess",
                        tuneGrid = grid,
                        trControl= control,
                        data = turning_rate_4954)


In lo.wam(x, z, wz, fit$smooth, which, fit$smooth.frame,  ... :
  degree must be at least 1 for vertex influence matrix

通过不使用 degree=0 来解决,因为gam.lodegree 限制为 1 和 2。与stats::loess您可以使用 0、1 或 2 的地方相反(但请参阅?loess)。


1: In model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) :
  non-list contrasts argument ignored
2: In gam.lo(data[["lo(Time_s, span = 0.1, degree = 1)"]],  ... : eval  0
3: In gam.lo(data[["lo(Time_s, span = 0.1, degree = 1)"]],  ... :
  lowerlimit  0.0021424
4: In gam.lo(data[["lo(Time_s, span = 0.1, degree = 1)"]],  ... :
  extrapolation not allowed with blending
5: In gam.lo(data[["lo(Time_s, span = 0.1, degree = 1)"]],  ... : eval  0.41184
6: In gam.lo(data[["lo(Time_s, span = 0.1, degree = 1)"]],  ... : upperlimit  0.4097
