首页 > 解决方案 > Python:从 type 0 转换为 type 1 midi


0 型 midi 文件(示例)将所有乐器都挤在一个轨道上。

Type 1 MIDI 文件将乐器分离到不同的轨道中。


标签: pythonmidi


这就是我如何处理这个问题的。重要的见解是,channel在 MIDI 文件中指定发送某些信息的设备端口(例如某些 MIDI 键盘输入),而program乐器声音(例如锯齿导音、cajun banjo...)。

这意味着可以创建一个字典,每个语音一个键,以及一个包含该语音中播放的音符的值列表。时间最初应该存储在全局坐标中(如在 type-0 文件中,相对时间坐标在所有声音中表示,但我们现在将声音分成不同的音符列表)。

然后可以转换回相对时间单位,存储输入类型 0 音轨中的 bpm 和时间分辨率值,然后哇哦——这是你的类型 1 MIDI。

from collections import defaultdict
import mido, os

def subdivide_midi_tracks(path):
  '''Convert a type 0 midi file to a type 1 midi file'''
  m = mido.MidiFile(path) # load the original type-0 midi file
  messages = [] # a list of message dicts, one per track
  for track in m.tracks:
    time = 0 # store time in aggregate units
    track_messages = []
    for idx, i in enumerate(track):
      i = i.dict()
      if i.get('time', None): time += i.get('time')
      i['time'] = time
  # build a dictionary of the events for each channel
  d = defaultdict(list) # d[channel_id] = [notes]
  for track_idx, track in enumerate(messages):
    for i in track:
      channel = i.get('channel', -1)
  # covert time units in each program back to relative units
  for channel in d:
    total_time = 0
    for i in sorted(d[channel], key=lambda i: i['time']):
      t = i['time']
      i['time'] = t - total_time
      total_time = t
  # create a midi file and add a track for each channel
  m2 = mido.MidiFile()
  for channel in sorted(d.keys()):
    track = mido.midifiles.tracks.MidiTrack()
    # add the notes to this track
    for note in d[channel]:
      note_type = note['type']
      del note['type']
      # if this is a meta message, append a meta message else a messaege
        track.append(mido.MetaMessage(note_type, **note))
        track.append(mido.Message(note_type, **note))
  # ensure the time quantization is the same in the new midi file
  m2.ticks_per_beat = m.ticks_per_beat
  return m2

m = midi.load("data/nes/'Bomb_Man's_Stage'_Mega_Man_I_by_Mark_Richardson.mid")
m2 = subdivide_midi_tracks(m.path)
os.system('open whoop.mid')
