首页 > 解决方案 > Angular 9 Opening file saved in database with the fileName retrieved from database


I have file stored in database table with the contents(bytes), fileName, contentType. I want the file to open in new tab when clicked in the Angular side with the fileName that is retrieved from database. My file opens in the new tab but how can I give the fileName to it.

downloadDoc(Id: string): Observable<any> {
let url = this.APIUrl + Id + '/doc';
let headers: HttpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
return this.http.get(url, { headers: headers, responseType: 'blob' });   

getDoc(id: any) {
this.service.downloadDoc(id).subscribe((result) => {
  var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(result); 
  window.open(url, '_blank');     

// Web api
public FileResult GetDoc(int id)
   HDoc hdoc = _hDocManager.GetDoc(id);            
   return File(hdoc.Contents, hdoc.ContentType, hdoc.FileName);            

标签: angularasp.net-core-webapi

