首页 > 解决方案 > 如何“cd”到显示“权限被拒绝”的符号链接目录?


我目前在我的 Linux 操作系统上有两个用户,用于两个不同的 DE。但是,我想尽可能地消除帐户之间的文件重复性。具体来说,我一直在尝试将~/german-capstone文件夹从用户链接segeeslicelucifer.


ln -s /home/segeeslice/german-capstone /home/lucifer/


bash: cd: german-capstone: Permission denied




------ /home/lucifer/german-capstone ------

    drwxr-xr-x  755 root     root     /
    drwxr-xr-x  755 root     root     /home
    drwxr--r--  744 lucifer  lucifer  /home/lucifer
    lrwxrwxrwx  777 lucifer  lucifer  /home/lucifer/german-capstone
                                      -> /home/segeeslice/german-capstone
    drwxr--r--  744 segeeslice segeeslice /home/segeeslice
    drwxrwxrwx  777 segeeslice segeeslice /home/segeeslice/german-capstone


标签: linuxpermissionssymlink




use strict;

my $usage=<<EOF;
Usage: $0 file [file ...]

 Shows permissions on every path component from root directory to the named
 file(s), including paths traversed while following symlinks.

 Also shows permissions and contents of any .ftpaccess or .htaccess files

 If multiple files are specified, gives a listing for them all, but for later
 files does not show again the permissions on a path component already shown
 for earlier files.


use Cwd;
my $cwd = cwd;
chomp $cwd;

if ($#ARGV==-1) {
    print $usage;
    exit 1;

my @history=();
my @accessfiles=();

# loop over files on command line.
FILE: foreach my $fullpath (@ARGV) {

    # prepend cwd if relative path
    $fullpath="$cwd/$fullpath" unless $fullpath =~ /^\//;

    # fix pathname..

    print "\n------ $fullpath ------\n\n";

    my $len=length $fullpath;
    my $pos=-1;
    my @targets=($fullpath);

    ELEMENT: while ($pos<$len) {

    # get full pathname of next element (etc)

    my $stem=($pos>=0) ? substr($fullpath,0,$pos) : ''; # parent

    $pos=$len if $pos==-1;
    my $path=($pos>0) ? substr($fullpath,0,$pos) : '/';

    my $remainder=substr($fullpath,$pos);

    # stat the path element.
    my @stat=lstat($path);
    my $okay=($#stat != -1);

    # tidy up as follows:
    #   if trailing "/foo/.." or "/." strip it and move to next element.
    # We can do this because at this stage "foo" isn't a link,
    #  or we would already have followed it, but only do it if stat
    #  succeeded as parent might not be a directory (in that case, the
    #  error trap later will be executed).
    my ($newpath, $subst);
    if ($okay) {
        if ( $path =~ /\.\.$/ ) {       
        if ($stem eq '') {
        } else {
            ($newpath = $stem) =~ s,/([^/]*?)$,, ;
            if ($newpath eq '') {$newpath='/';}
        elsif ( $path =~ /\.$/ ) {
        if ($stem eq '') {
        } else {
            $newpath = $stem;
        else {
        if ($subst) {
        $pos=length $path;
        $len=length $fullpath;
        next ELEMENT;

    # have we been here before?
    my $beenthere=grep {$_ eq $path} @history;
    push @history,$path;

    # is it a symlink?
    if (-l _) {

        # yes. see where it points
        my $pointsto=readlink $path;
        my $newfile;
        if ($pointsto =~ /^\//) {
        # link is absolute pathname
        } else {
        # link is relative pathname
        $pos=length $stem;
        if (!$beenthere) {
        # strip extra "/"

        # check for recursive links
        my $beenthere2=grep {$_ eq $newfile} @targets;
        push @targets,$newfile;
        if ($beenthere2) {
        print " === SYMLINK LOOP DETECTED ===\n";
        next FILE;
        # follow the link (stripping extra "/"s)
        $len=length $fullpath;
    } else {
        # no, not a symlink
        # print info, with usernames/groupnames where possible
        # unless we've been here before...
        if (!$beenthere) {
        if (! $okay) {
            print "\n*** ERROR : $path : $! ***\n";
            next FILE;

        # check for any {.htaccess,.ftpaccess} files
        for my $name (qw(.htaccess .ftpaccess)) {
            my $file = "$path/$name";
            if (-e $file) {
            push @accessfiles,$file;
    } # end ELEMENT loop
} # end FILE loop
continue {    
    print "\n";

if ($#accessfiles > -1) {
    print "Access control files of possible relevance:\n\n";
    for my $file (@accessfiles) {
    my @stat = stat($file);
    if (open my $access,$file) {
        print "\n    ---- Contents of $file ----\n";
        while (defined (my $line=<$access>)){
        chomp $line;
        print "    $line\n";
        close $access;
        print "    ------- End of $file -------\n";
    } else {
        print "    Could not open $file: $!\n";
    print "\n";

exit 0;

sub stripslashes 
    my $line = shift;

    # strip trailing or repeated '/'s
    $line =~ s,/*$,,;
    $line =~ s,//+,/,g;
    $line =~ s,^$,/,;

    return $line;

sub show_stat
    use Fcntl ':mode';

    my ($stat,$path,$linktarget) = @_;

    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
    $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = @$stat;

    my @pwent=getpwuid($uid);
    my $username=($#pwent == -1) ? "($uid)" : $pwent[0];
    my @grent=getgrgid($gid);
    my $grpname=($#grent == -1) ? "($gid)" : $grent[0];
    printf ("%s %4o %-8s %-8s %s\n",

    if (S_ISLNK($mode) and defined($linktarget)) {
    print "                                  -> $linktarget\n";


sub symbolic_mode
    # takes a numerical mode returned by stat,
    # returns a symbolic string as per "ls -l"
    # e.g. for 0640 returns "-rw-r-----"

    my $mode = shift;

    use Fcntl ':mode';

    my $typechar = 
    S_ISREG($mode) ? '-' :
    S_ISDIR($mode) ? 'd' :
    S_ISLNK($mode) ? 'l' :
    S_ISBLK($mode) ? 'b' :
    S_ISCHR($mode) ? 'c' :
    S_ISFIFO($mode) ? 'p' :
    S_ISSOCK($mode) ? 's' : 

    my $modestr = $typechar . 'rwxrwxrwx';
    for (my $bit=0; $bit <= 8 ; $bit++) {
    if (($mode & (1<<$bit)) == 0) {
    if ($mode & 01000) {
          ($mode & 0001) ? "t" : "T");
    if ($mode & 02000) {
          ($mode & 0010) ? "s" : "S");
    if ($mode & 04000) {
          ($mode & 0100) ? "s" : "S");
    return $modestr;

sub substchar
    # substitutes a character in a string
    my ($sref, $pos, $newchar) = @_;
    my $string = $$sref;
    my $newstring = substr($string,0,$pos) . $newchar . substr($string,$pos+1);


$ mkdir -p /tmp/mydir/stuff
$ ln -s stuff /tmp/mydir/stuff2
$ cal > /tmp/mydir/stuff2/myfile
$ mkdir /tmp/mydir2
$ ls /tmp/mydir2/stuff2/myfile
ls: cannot access '/tmp/mydir2/stuff2/myfile': No such file or directory
$ ls /tmp/mydir/stuff2/
$ ln -s /tmp/mydir/stuff2/myfile  /tmp/mydir/stuff2/thingy
$ chmod 700 /tmp/mydir
$ permsto  /tmp/mydir/stuff2/thingy

------ /tmp/mydir/stuff2/thingy ------

drwxr-xr-x  755 root     root     /
drwxrwxrwt 1777 root     root     /tmp
drwx------  700 myuser   mygroup  /tmp/mydir
lrwxrwxrwx  777 myuser   mygroup  /tmp/mydir/stuff2
                                  -> stuff
drwxr-xr-x  755 myuser   mygroup  /tmp/mydir/stuff
lrwxrwxrwx  777 myuser   mygroup  /tmp/mydir/stuff/thingy
                                  -> /tmp/mydir/stuff2/myfile
-rw-r--r--  644 myuser   mygroup  /tmp/mydir/stuff/myfile



    drwxr--r--  744 lucifer  lucifer  /home/lucifer
    drwxr--r--  744 segeeslice segeeslice /home/segeeslice

如果进程已读取但不执行对目录的访问,它将能够列出目录但不能访问其中包含的任何路径。对于具有八进制模式 744 的目录,任何不以所有者(或 root)身份运行的进程都是这种情况,这将依赖于“组”或“其他”权限。如果将其更改为八进制模式 755(即为“组”和“其他”添加执行权限),那么这些将具有必要的访问权限。
