首页 > 解决方案 > 选项卡中包含的卡片内容上的角度材质滚动条



请参阅: https ://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-6-material-tab-problem?file= app/tab.component.html [编辑:在进行我在我的回答]


  1. 当 mat-card-content 中的内容超出选项卡中的可见空间时,溢出-y 滚动条可用。
  2. mat-card 或 mat-tab 上没有滚动条应该能够适当地调整大小。
  3. 例如,在调整窗口大小时,mat-tab-group 的高度可能会变高——如果需要,mat-card-content 也应该变高并且可以滚动。


但是,当 mat-card-content 中的内容长度不超过选项卡的高度时,就会出现问题。

例如,虽然样式相同,但第二个选项卡不正确。mat-card 的红色矩形应填充 mat-tab 的高度。最右边还有一个不需要的滚动条。



  <mat-tab label="Properties">
    <mat-card class="scrollable-content">
          <mat-card-title>Card Data</mat-card-title>
          My Content for this card...<br>
          0 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          1 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          2 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          3 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          4 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          5 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          6 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          7 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          8 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          9 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          10 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          11 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          12 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          13 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          14 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          15 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          16 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          17 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          18 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          19 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          20 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          21 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          22 Lots and lots of content.<br>
          23 Lots and lots of content.<br>
  <mat-tab label="2nd Tab">
    <mat-card  class="scrollable-content">
          <mat-card-title>Other Stuff</mat-card-title>
        2nd Tab


  overflow: hidden;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

.mat-card.scrollable-content mat-card-content {
    overflow-y: auto;
.mat-card.scrollable-content mat-card-title {
    display: block;

.mat-tab-group {
  height: 400px;
  border: 2px solid #00F;

.mat-card-content {
  border: 2px solid #0F0
.mat-card-title {
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 1.25em !important;
.mat-card {
  border: 2px solid #F00;
  height: 85%;

  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 1.25em;

标签: htmlcssangular-materialscrollbar


在意识到模板中使用的材料设计元素被预处理到其他 css 类之后,我能够解决这个问题。

我通过将以下内容添加到 css 中使其工作:

.mat-tab-body-content {
  overflow: hidden !important;

.mat-tab-body-wrapper {
  height: 100% !important;
