首页 > 解决方案 > Using for each to create react components within another component


Suppose I have some data for car listings, I want to represent each of these listing object using a react component defined as "VehicleListing". And I want to render each of the listings inside another react component called "VehicleTypes".

Below I am trying to use the forEach method to accomplish that but for some reason, the forEach method won't render anything onto the DOM. Does anyone know why? Also, is potentially there a better way of accomplishing this same task?

Thank you!

let Cars = [
  { year: 2013, model: "A", price: "$32000" },
  { year: 2011, model: "B", price: "$4400" },
  { year: 2016, model: "B", price: "$15500" },

function VehicleListing(props) {
  return (
            <button>Buy Now</button>

function VehicleTypes(props) {
  return (

      {Cars.forEach((listing) => {
        return <VehicleListing data={listing} />;

function ReactTransportationApp(props) {
  return (
      <PageTitle />
      <ChooseOptions />
      <VehicleTypes vehicleType="Cars" />

标签: reactjslistloopsforeach


Array.forEach only returns undefined so it's no use here. From MDN:

forEach() executes the callback function once for each array element; unlike map() or reduce() it always returns the value undefined and is not chainable. The typical use case is to execute side effects at the end of a chain.

You need to use Array.map:

function VehicleTypes(props) {
  return (

      {Cars.map((listing) => {
        return <VehicleListing data={listing} />;

... and you don't even need to explicit return statement if you remove the braces, so it can be written slightly more tersely:

function VehicleTypes(props) {
      return (

          {Cars.map(listing => 
             <VehicleListing data={listing} />;
