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将 AWS EKS 与 t3.medium 实例一起使用,所以我有(2 VCPU = 2000 个内核和 4gb 内存)。

使用这些 cpu 请求定义在节点上运行 6 个不同的应用程序:

name  request replica total-cpu
app#1 300m    x2      600
app#2 100m    x4      400
app#3 150m    x1      150
app#4 300m    x1      300
app#5 100m    x1      100
app#6 150m    x1      150

有了基本的数学,我可以说整个应用程序消耗 1700m cpu 内核。我也有 hpa, app#1app#2的 cpu 限制为 60% 。所以,我希望只有一个节点,或者可能有两个节点(因为 kube-system pod),但集群总是运行 3 个节点。看起来我理解自动缩放的事情是错误的。

$ kubectl top nodes
NAME                                          CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
ip-*.eu-central-1.compute.internal    221m         11%    631Mi           18%
ip-*.eu-central-1.compute.internal    197m         10%    718Mi           21%
ip-*.eu-central-1.compute.internal   307m         15%    801Mi           23%

如您所见,它只使用了 10-15% 的节点。如何优化节点扩展?有3个节点的原因是什么?

$ kubectl get hpa
NAME                       REFERENCE                             TARGETS   MINPODS   MAXPODS   REPLICAS   AGE
app#1   Deployment/easyinventory-deployment   37%/60%   1         5         3          5d16h
app#2   Deployment/poolinventory-deployment   64%/60%   1         5         4          4d10h


我有 kube-system pod 的 pod 中断预算

kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-event --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=event-exporter --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-fluentd --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=k8s-app: fluentd-gcp-scaler --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-heapster --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=heapster --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-dns --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=kube-dns --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-dnsauto --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=kube-dns-autoscaler --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-glbc --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=glbc --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-metadata --namespace=kube-system --selector app=metadata-agent-cluster-level --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-kubeproxy --namespace=kube-system --selector component=kube-proxy --max-unavailable 1 
kubectl create poddisruptionbudget pdb-metrics --namespace=kube-system --selector k8s-app=metrics-server --max-unavailable 1
#source: https://gist.github.com/kenthua/fc06c6ea52a25a51bc07e70c8f781f8f


发现第三个节点并不总是存在的,k8s 缩小到 2 个节点,但几分钟后,再次扩展到 3 个节点,然后一次又一次地缩小到 2 个节点。kubectl 描述节点

# Node 1
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  Resource                    Requests      Limits
  --------                    --------      ------
  cpu                         1010m (52%)   1300m (67%)
  memory                      3040Mi (90%)  3940Mi (117%)
  ephemeral-storage           0 (0%)        0 (0%)
  attachable-volumes-aws-ebs  0             0
# Node 2
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
  Resource                    Requests      Limits
  --------                    --------      ------
  cpu                         1060m (54%)   1850m (95%)
  memory                      3300Mi (98%)  4200Mi (125%)
  ephemeral-storage           0 (0%)        0 (0%)
  attachable-volumes-aws-ebs  0             0


I0608 11:03:21.965642       1 static_autoscaler.go:192] Starting main loop
I0608 11:03:21.965976       1 utils.go:590] No pod using affinity / antiaffinity found in cluster, disabling affinity predicate for this loop
I0608 11:03:21.965996       1 filter_out_schedulable.go:65] Filtering out schedulables
I0608 11:03:21.966120       1 filter_out_schedulable.go:130] 0 other pods marked as unschedulable can be scheduled.
I0608 11:03:21.966164       1 filter_out_schedulable.go:130] 0 other pods marked as unschedulable can be scheduled.
I0608 11:03:21.966175       1 filter_out_schedulable.go:90] No schedulable pods
I0608 11:03:21.966202       1 static_autoscaler.go:334] No unschedulable pods
I0608 11:03:21.966257       1 static_autoscaler.go:381] Calculating unneeded nodes
I0608 11:03:21.966336       1 scale_down.go:437] Scale-down calculation: ignoring 1 nodes unremovable in the last 5m0s
I0608 11:03:21.966359       1 scale_down.go:468] Node ip-*-93.eu-central-1.compute.internal - memory utilization 0.909449
I0608 11:03:21.966411       1 scale_down.go:472] Node ip-*-93.eu-central-1.compute.internal is not suitable for removal - memory utilization too big (0.909449)
I0608 11:03:21.966460       1 scale_down.go:468] Node ip-*-115.eu-central-1.compute.internal - memory utilization 0.987231
I0608 11:03:21.966469       1 scale_down.go:472] Node ip-*-115.eu-central-1.compute.internal is not suitable for removal - memory utilization too big (0.987231)
I0608 11:03:21.966551       1 static_autoscaler.go:440] Scale down status: unneededOnly=false lastScaleUpTime=2020-06-08 09:14:54.619088707 +0000 UTC m=+143849.361988520 lastScaleDownDeleteTime=2020-06-06 17:18:02.104469988 +0000 UTC m=+36.847369765 lastScaleDownFailTime=2020-06-06 17:18:02.104470075 +0000 UTC m=+36.847369849 scaleDownForbidden=false isDeleteInProgress=false scaleDownInCooldown=false
I0608 11:03:21.966578       1 static_autoscaler.go:453] Starting scale down
I0608 11:03:21.966667       1 scale_down.go:785] No candidates for scale down


根据自动缩放器日志,它忽略了 ip-*145.eu-central-1.compute.internal 以进行缩减,出于某种原因,我想知道会发生什么并直接从 EC2 控制台终止实例。这些行出现在自动缩放器日志中:

I0608 11:10:43.747445       1 scale_down.go:517] Finding additional 1 candidates for scale down.
I0608 11:10:43.747477       1 cluster.go:93] Fast evaluation: ip-*-145.eu-central-1.compute.internal for removal
I0608 11:10:43.747540       1 cluster.go:248] Evaluation ip-*-115.eu-central-1.compute.internal for default/app2-848db65964-9nr2m -> PodFitsResources predicate mismatch, reason: Insufficient memory,
I0608 11:10:43.747549       1 cluster.go:248] Evaluation ip-*-93.eu-central-1.compute.internal for default/app2-848db65964-9nr2m -> PodFitsResources predicate mismatch, reason: Insufficient memory,
I0608 11:10:43.747557       1 cluster.go:129] Fast evaluation: node ip-*-145.eu-central-1.compute.internal is not suitable for removal: failed to find place for default/app2-848db65964-9nr2m
I0608 11:10:43.747569       1 scale_down.go:554] 1 nodes found to be unremovable in simulation, will re-check them at 2020-06-08 11:15:43.746773707 +0000 UTC m=+151098.489673532
I0608 11:10:43.747596       1 static_autoscaler.go:440] Scale down status: unneededOnly=false lastScaleUpTime=2020-06-08 09:14:54.619088707 +0000 UTC m=+143849.361988520 lastScaleDownDeleteTime=2020-06-06 17:18:02.104469988 +0000 UTC m=+36.847369765 lastScaleDownFailTime=2020-06-06 17:18:02.104470075 +0000 UTC m=+36.847369849 scaleDownForbidden=false isDeleteInProgress=false scaleDownInCooldown=false

据我所知,该节点没有缩小,因为没有其他节点适合“app2”。但应用程序内存请求为 700Mi,目前其他节点有足够的内存供应用程序2使用

$ kubectl top nodes
NAME                                          CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
ip-10-0-0-93.eu-central-1.compute.internal    386m         20%    920Mi           27%
ip-10-0-1-115.eu-central-1.compute.internal   298m         15%    794Mi           23%

仍然不知道为什么自动缩放器不将 app2 移动到其他可用节点之一并缩小 ip-*-145。

标签: amazon-web-serviceskubernetesamazon-eks


如何调度具有资源请求的 Pod

请求是为容器保证的金额。所以调度器不会将 Pod 调度到没有足够容量的节点上。在您的情况下,两个现有节点已经限制了它们的内存(0.9 和 0.98)。所以 ip-*-145 不能按比例缩小,否则 app2 无处可去。
