首页 > 解决方案 > 我无法超越问题的这个阶段:怎么了?edx


mystery_int = 3
#Write a program that will print the times table for the
#value given by mystery_int. The times table should print a
#two-column table of the products of every combination of
#two numbers from 1 through mystery_int. Separate consecutive
#numbers with either spaces or tabs, whichever you prefer.
#For example, if mystery_int is 5, this could print:
#1  2   3   4   5
#2  4   6   8   10
#3  6   9   12  15
#4  8   12  16  20
#5  10  15  20  25
#To do this, you'll want to use two nested for loops; the
#first one will print rows, and the second will print columns
#within each row.
#Hint: How can you print the numbers across the row without
#starting a new line each time? With what you know now, you
#could build the string for the row, but only print it once
#you've finished the row. There are other ways, but that's
#how to do it using only what we've covered so far.
#Hint 2: To insert a tab into a string, use the character
#sequence "\t". For example, "1\t2" will print as "1    2".
#Hint 3: Need to just start a new line without printing
#anything else? Just call print() with no arguments in the
allnums = ("")
colcount = 1
rowcount = 1
for i in range(1, mystery_int):
    for i in range(1, mystery_int * rowcount):
        allnums += str(rowcount * colcount)
        allnums += "\t"
        rowcount += 1
    colcount += 1

怎么了?首先,我想尝试在单个字符串中执行此操作,然后在表格中执行此操作。另外,我看不出提示 3 的用途。为什么你什么都不需要打印这是我的输出:1 2

标签: pythonedx



#We ask the user to enter misteryNumber...
misteryNumber=input("Welcome, please type the mistery number: ")
#Then we generate a list of numbers which goes from 1 to the mistery number.
for i in range(1,int(misteryNumber)+1):
#We print the output...
print("Here are the results!")
#The first row is always going to be misteryList.
print(" ".join(misteryList))
#After that we create a list for every low in wich we store its values...
for j in range(1,len(misteryList)):
 #We reset the list for each row with the first member of the list being the row number.
 #A nested for loop to calculate each value within a row...
 for k in range(1,len(misteryList)):
 #We print the new row...
 print(" ".join(rowList)) 

这是我用数字 5 运行它时它给我的输出:

Welcome, please type the mistery number: 5
Here are the results!
1 2 3 4 5
2 4 6 8 10
3 6 9 12 15
4 8 12 16 20
5 10 15 20 25

PD:我也不明白第三个提示的意思,python 每次print使用时都会自动添加新行(至少在 python 3 中)。
