首页 > 解决方案 > 使用 R 中不同列的值透视数据


抱歉,如果我重复发布,但我尝试了我在 stackoverflow 中看到的不同的东西并且不能完全解决问题或理解我为什么会遇到它。


council_name <- c("Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barnet","Barnet")
period <- c("1st 2006", "1st 2006", "1st 2006", "1st 2006", "2nd 2006", "2nd 2006", "2nd 2006", "2nd 2006", "1st 2006", "1st 2006") 
category <- c ("glass", "fridges", "paper", "glass", "glass", "fridges", "paper", "glass", "glass", "fridges")
data <- c(333, 222, 100, 98, 450, 540, 33, 450, 560, 120)
category2 <- c ("collected", "collected", "collected", "no donors", "collected", "collected", "collected", "no donors", "collected", "collected")
df <- data.frame (council_name, period, category, category2, data)


council_name <- c("Barking and Dagenham","Barking and Dagenham","Barnet")
period <- c("1st 2006", "2nd 2006", "1st 2006") 
glass <- c(333, 450, 560)
fridges <- c(222,540,120)
paper <- c(100, 33, NA)
no.donors <- c(98, 450, NA)
df.desired <- data.frame (council_name, period, glass, fridges, paper, no.donors)

我一直在尝试使用数据透视函数做多种事情,但事实上我需要从 category1 和 category2 中提取列名,但是用 df 中同一列的值填充单元格,这给我带来了各种各样的问题。


标签: rdplyrdata.tablepivottidyr




df %>%
  # Pivot from long to wide format using the first two columns as id cols and using both category and category2 columns to get the new column names
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(council_name,period),
              names_from = c(category, category2),
              values_from = data) %>%
  # Rename the columns
  rename("glass" = "glass_collected",
         "fridges" = "fridges_collected",
         "paper" = "paper_collected",
         "no.donors" = "glass_no donors")

# A tibble: 3 x 6
# council_name         period   glass fridges paper no.donors
# <fct>                <fct>    <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
# 1 Barking and Dagenham 1st 2006   333     222   100        98
# 2 Barking and Dagenham 2nd 2006   450     540    33       450
# 3 Barnet               1st 2006   560     120    NA        NA
