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import sys, re, csv
from re import match
def isUsernameValid(username):
    isValid = match(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16}$", username)
    if isValid:
        return True
        return False
def isUsernameFree(username):
        with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'r') as file:
                reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
                for line in file:
                        if username == line.split(',')[0]:
                                return False

                                return True

usernamecheck = False
charcheck = False
menu = int(input("1. Sign Up\n2. Log in\n3. Exit\nInput: "))
menu_numbers = (1,2,3)
while menu not in menu_numbers:
    menu = int(input("1. Sign Up\n2. Log in\n3. Exit\nInput: "))
if menu == 1:
        newusername = input("Input a new username: ")
        usernamecheck = isUsernameValid(newusername) and isUsernameFree(newusername)
        while usernamecheck == False:
                newusername = input("Input a new username: ")
                usernamecheck = isUsernameValid(newusername) and isUsernameFree(newusername)
        newpassword = input("Input a password: ")
        while len(newpassword)<8:
               newpassword = input("Input a password that has 8 or more characters: ")
        validatepassword = input("Input the same password: ")
        while newpassword != validatepassword:
                newpassword = input("Input a password: ")
                while len(newpassword)<8:
                        newpassword = input("Input a password that has 8 or more characters: ")
                validatepassword = input("Input the same password: ")
        with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'a') as file:
                file.write(str(newusername) + "," + str(newpassword))

elif menu == 2:
    usernamesearch = input("Username: ")
    with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'r') as file:
        reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
        for line in file:
            if usernamesearch == line.split(',')[0]:
                print(f'Username ({usernamesearch}) found.')
                accountfound = True
                print(f'Username not found.')
                accountfound = False

    while accountfound == False:
        usernamesearch = input("Username: ")
        with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'r') as file:
            reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
            for line in file:
                if usernamesearch == line.split(',')[0]:
                    print(f'Username ({usernamesearch}) found.')
                    accountfound = True
                    print(f'Username not found.')
                    accountfound = False
                    menu = input("Choose 1 to go back to menu and 2 to keep trying: ")


标签: pythonpython-3.xauthenticationmenu



while (True):
    usernamecheck = False
    charcheck = False
    menu = int(input("1. Sign Up\n2. Log in\n3. Exit\nInput: "))
    menu_numbers = (1,2,3)
    while menu not in menu_numbers:
        menu = int(input("1. Sign Up\n2. Log in\n3. Exit\nInput: "))
    if menu == 1:
            newusername = input("Input a new username: ")
            usernamecheck = isUsernameValid(newusername) and isUsernameFree(newusername)
            while usernamecheck == False:
                    newusername = input("Input a new username: ")
                    usernamecheck = isUsernameValid(newusername) and isUsernameFree(newusername)
            newpassword = input("Input a password: ")
            while len(newpassword)<8:
                newpassword = input("Input a password that has 8 or more characters: ")
            validatepassword = input("Input the same password: ")
            while newpassword != validatepassword:
                    newpassword = input("Input a password: ")
                    while len(newpassword)<8:
                            newpassword = input("Input a password that has 8 or more characters: ")
                    validatepassword = input("Input the same password: ")
            with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'a') as file:
                    file.write(str(newusername) + "," + str(newpassword))

    elif menu == 2:
        usernamesearch = input("Username: ")
        with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'r') as file:
            reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
            for line in file:
                if usernamesearch == line.split(',')[0]:
                    print(f'Username ({usernamesearch}) found.')
                    accountfound = True
                    print(f'Username not found.')
                    accountfound = False

        while accountfound == False:
            usernamesearch = input("Username: ")
            with open('accountdatabase.txt', mode = 'r') as file:
                reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=',')
                for line in file:
                    if usernamesearch == line.split(',')[0]:
                        print(f'Username ({usernamesearch}) found.')
                        accountfound = True
                        print(f'Username not found.')
                        accountfound = False
                        menu = input("Choose 1 to go back to menu and 2 to keep trying: ")


elif menu == 3:

或者,您可以在循环之前创建一个布尔值exit = False,将循环的退出条件更改为while(not exit)并设置exit = True您想要退出的时间。
