首页 > 解决方案 > Discord.js - Erela.js - Lavalink | 检查 Lavalink 是否没有返回结果


我正在尝试检测 Lavalink 是否真的没有找到匹配项,因为有时我无法找到我确定存在的歌曲的匹配项。这就是我获得搜索结果的方式:

const searchResults = await client.music.search(query, message.author);

现在,如果真的没有匹配项,我最多要检查 5 次,所以我首先需要知道是否没有匹配项。我不知道如何检查是否没有匹配项,我已经尝试过:

if (!searchResults)
if (searchResults == undefined)
if (searchResults == null)



let searchResults;
try {
    searchResults = await client.music.search(query, message.author);
} catch (error1) {
    try {
        searchResults = await client.music.search(query, message.author);
    } catch (error2) {
        try {
            searchResults = await client.music.search(query, message.author);
        } catch (error3) {
            try {
                searchResults = await client.music.search(query, message.author);
            } catch (error4) {
                try {
                    searchResults = await client.music.search(query, message.author);
                } catch (error5) {
                    const musicničnašel = new MessageEmbed()
                    .setTitle("** GLASBA **")
                    .setDescription(`**Nisem našel glasbe na podlagi iskalnega niza:** ${query}
                    **Če si prepričan, da je bila to napaka, poskusi še enkrat!**`)
                    .setFooter('Za izboljšavo pišite predloge na: Anej#0001');

                return message.channel.send(musicničnašel).then(d_msg => {d_msg.delete({ timeout: 10000 })});

标签: javascriptdiscord.js




const MAX_NO_OF_TRIALS = 5;

async function search(client, query, author, trialNumber = 0) {

    try {

        // Do the actual search here like the following
        const result = await client.music.search(query, author)
        if (result.exception || !(result.tracks.length || result.playlist.tracks.length))
             throw new Error("no result found")
        return result

    } catch (error) {
        if (trialNumber < MAX_NO_OF_TRIALS) {
            console.log(`trial #${trialNumber + 1}`)
            return await search(client, query, author, ++trialNumber)
            throw error

// then you can use it inside an async block like:

try {

    let searchResults = await search(client, query, message.author)

    // do stuff with searchResults

} catch (error) {
    // Error persists after 5 (MAX_NO_OF_TRIALS) trials
    console.log("cant handle it")

这里我们定义了一个自定义搜索函数,它接受“client”、“query”和“author”。所以我们必须这样做,await search(client, query, message.author)而不是client.music.search(query, message.author).

自定义搜索函数将从trialNumber= 0 开始并 MAX_NO_OF_TRIALS为 5。如果出现错误,搜索将递归调用自身,除非trialNumber超出MAX_NO_OF_TRIALS. (您可以设置 MAX_NO_OF_TRIALS任意数量的最大尝试次数来修改行为。

根据以下实现创建检查:SearchResult.ts implementation here
