首页 > 解决方案 > Nodejs - 不确定如何在函数中等待数据库查询


我是 nodejs 的新手,正在努力掌握 async/await 功能。我已经阅读了许多其他 SE 帖子和许多博客,但似乎无法获得正确的代码组合来实现预期的程序流程。

我的程序的总体思路是调用 startNextPick() 函数,然后调用 getLeagueFromDraftPicks()。此函数内部是一个查询,需要“等待”才能完成,但我不确定执行此操作的正确/简单方法。目前,没有等待导致函数返回“未定义”结果。在这种情况下等待查询响应的正确/简单方法是什么?


async function startNextPick(pickId) {
  console.log('A-- starting next pick');

  var leagueId = await getLeagueFromDraftPick(pickId);

  console.log('B-- leagueId from getLeagueFromDraftPick: '+leagueId);

  leagueId = Number(leagueId);
  if (leagueId > 0) {
    //.... do other stuff here
  } else {
    console.log('Error with finding league based on draft pick');

async function getLeagueFromDraftPick(pickId) {
  pickId = Number(pickId);
  var leagueId;
  console.log('1 pickId: '+pickId);
  if (pickId  <= 0) {
    return false;

  // Get LeagueID from draft based on pickId
  // *** Need to "await" this query "
  connection.query('select LEAGUE_ID from DRAFT where ID=? limit 1',
                  function (error, results, fields) {
    if (error) {
      return false;
    } else {
      leagueId = results[0].LEAGUE_ID;

      console.log('2--  pickId: '+pickId);
      console.log('3--  leagueId: '+leagueId);

      return leagueId;
  console.log('4--  leagueId: '+leagueId);
  return leagueId;

使用 console.log 跟踪代码的时间和流程,很明显需要等待查询,因为 getLeagueFromDraftPick() 的返回值显示未定义,但查询结果最终显示正确。

Console.log output
****starting next pick****
A-- starting next pick
1 pickId: 19002
4--  leagueId: undefined
B-- leagueId from getLeagueFromDraftPick: undefined
Error with finding league based on draft pick
2--  pickId: 19002
3--  leagueId: 52

** 解决方案 ** 使用@cyberwombat 回答并进行一些修改,我能够让它工作。下面是工作代码:

async function startNextPick(pickId) {
  console.log('A-- starting next pick');

  var leagueId = await getLeagueFromDraftPick(pickId);

  console.log('B-- leagueId from getLeagueFromDraftPick: '+leagueId);

async function getLeagueFromDraftPick(pickId) {
  pickId = Number(pickId);
  console.log('1 pickId: '+pickId);
  if (pickId  <= 0) {
    return false;

  // Get LeagueID from draft based on pickId
  // *** Need to "await" this query "
  const leagueId = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject)  {
    connection.query('select LEAGUE_ID from DRAFT where ID=? limit 1',
                    function (error, results, fields) {
      if (error) {
      } else {
        if (results[0]) {
          console.log('2--  pickId: '+pickId);
          console.log('3--  leagueId: '+results[0].LEAGUE_ID);

        } else {
          resolve(0);        }
  console.log('4--  leagueId: '+leagueId);
  return leagueId;

Console output:
****starting next pick****
A-- starting next pick
1 pickId: 19031
2--  pickId: 19031
3--  leagueId: 52
4--  leagueId: 52
B-- leagueId from getLeagueFromDraftPick: 52

标签: node.jsasynchronousasync-await


连接位使用回调。为了让你的 async/await 可以很好地工作,你可以将它包装在一个 Promise 中(你也可以查看那个 db 库是否有一个 Promisified/async 版本)。理想情况下,您希望将其包装在 try/catch 块中以处理错误,但这是一个不同的故事。这是返回1eagueId异步的代码。

async function getLeagueFromDraftPick(pickId) {
  pickId = Number(pickId);
  var leagueId;
  console.log('1 pickId: '+pickId);
  if (pickId  <= 0) {
    return false;

  const leagueId = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject)  {
    // Get LeagueID from draft based on pickId
    // *** Need to "await" this query "
    connection.query('select LEAGUE_ID from DRAFT where ID=? limit 1',
                  function (error, results, fields) {
      if (error) {

      } else {
        leagueId = results[0].LEAGUE_ID;

        console.log('2--  pickId: '+pickId);
        console.log('3--  leagueId: '+leagueId);


  console.log('4--  leagueId: '+leagueId);
  return leagueId;


// Create our async function
async function getLeagueFromDraftPick() {
  // We can use the new Promise to wrap old style callbacks - not shown here
  const leagueId = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Fake some delay - i.e. pretend w are doing some http request
    setTimeout(() => {
     }, 1000);
  return leagueId

// This weird parenthesis setup is just a trick to run async functions from the console
(async () => {
  const leagueId = await getLeagueFromDraftPick()
