首页 > 解决方案 > Python:“IndentationError:unindent 不匹配任何外部缩进级别”尝试排除故障但不起作用



def savings_tracker():
 input("This program will tracker your savings progress. (Press Enter to Continue)")
 goal = input("What are you trying to save for?")
 final_savings_amount = float(input("What is the total amount of money needed to each your goal"))
 monthly_savings = float (input("What is your monthly savings?"))
 current_savings = float(input("What have you saved so far?"))

 month_to_reach_goal = (final_savings_amount-current_savings)/monthly_savings

 month_to_reach_goal = math.ceil(month_to_reach_goal)

 print("The time it will take to get to your goal of",  goal, "is", month_to_reach_goal, "months!")
 print("Your getting there! Keep on saving!")

标签: python



import math
def savings_tracker():
    input("This program will tracker your savings progress. (Press Enter to Continue)")
    goal = input("What are you trying to save for? ")
    final_savings_amount = float(input("What is the total amount of money needed to each your goal "))
    monthly_savings = float (input("What is your monthly savings ?"))
    current_savings = float(input("What have you saved so far? "))

    month_to_reach_goal = (final_savings_amount-current_savings)/monthly_savings

    month_to_reach_goal = math.ceil(month_to_reach_goal)

    print(f"The time it will take to get to your goal of {goal} is {month_to_reach_goal} months!")
    print("You're getting there! Keep on saving!")



This program will tracker your savings progress. (Press Enter to Continue)
What are you trying to save for? a house
What is the total amount of money needed to each your goal 250000
What is your monthly savings? 6000
What have you saved so far? 50000


The time it will take to get to your goal of a house is 34 months!
You're getting there! Keep on saving!
