首页 > 解决方案 > VBA打印循环没有将整个循环写入批处理文件




'loop through list creating command line for .bat
Dim i As Integer
For i = 8 To finalRow

commandLine = "ECHO hunter2| Schtasks /Change /TN """
'Scan name and concatonate
commandFragment = Cells(i, "B").Value
commandLine = commandLine & commandFragment
commandLine = commandLine & """ /SD "

'scan start date and concatonate
day = Cells(i, "E").Value
commandFragment = DayRefs(translateDay(day))
commandLine = commandLine & commandFragment
commandLine = commandLine & " /ST "

'scan start time and concatonate
commandFragment = Cells(i, "G").Value
commandLine = commandLine & commandFragment
commandLine = commandLine & " /ED "

'scan end date and concatonate
day = Cells(i, "F").Value
commandFragment = DayRefs(translateDay(day))
commandLine = commandLine & commandFragment
commandLine = commandLine & " /RI 1440"

'save completed command line to Commands
Commands(i - 6) = commandLine


'open .bat for modification
Dim fnum As Variant
fnum = FreeFile()
Open AutomationFile For Output As #fnum

Print #fnum, "@ECHO"

'print commands
For i = 1 To finalRow - 6
Print #fnum, Commands(i)
Print #fnum, " "

这是当前在批处理文件中吐出的内容的副本。它只是停止中排。并且当前的迭代应该有 8 个单独的项目,但它只通过 4 和 5 的一部分。


ECHO hunter2| Schtasks /Change /TN "Report Update Morning" /SD
07/22/2020 /ST 07:55 /ED 07/31/2020 /RI 1440

ECHO hunter2| Schtasks /Change /TN "Report Update Lunch" /SD
07/22/2020 /ST 11:55 /ED 07/31/2020 /RI 1440

ECHO hunter2| Schtasks /Change /TN "Report Update Evening" /SD
07/22/2020 /ST 17:25 /ED 07/31/2020 /RI 1440

ECHO hunter2| Schtasks /Change /TN "AA Sweep Macro Morning" /SD
07/27/2020 /ST 08:00 /ED 07/31/2020 /RI 1440

ECHO hunter2| Schtasks /Change /TN "A

标签: excelvbabatch-file

