首页 > 解决方案 > 创建一个链接以将事件添加到 yahoo calandar



  var MS_IN_MINUTES = 60 * 1000;

  var formatTime = function (date) {
     return date.toISOString().replace(/-|:|\.\d+/g, '');

  var calculateEndTime = function (event) {
      return event.end ?
             formatTime(event.end) :
             formatTime(new Date(event.start.getTime() + (event.duration * MS_IN_MINUTES)));

  var yHDuration = (Number(Duration.split(':')[0]) * 60 + Number(Duration.split(':')[1]));

  var event = {
      title: 'Get on the front page of HN',     // Event title
      start: new Date(MeetingTime),   // Event start date
      duration: yHDuration,                            // Event duration (IN MINUTES)
      // If an end time is set, this will take precedence over duration
      address: 'The internet',
      description: 'Get on the front page of HN, then prepare for world domination.',

  var eventDuration = event.end ?
      ((event.end.getTime() - event.start.getTime()) / MS_IN_MINUTES) :event.duration;

  // Yahoo dates are crazy, we need to convert the duration from minutes to hh:mm
  var yahooHourDuration = eventDuration < 600 ?
      '0' + Math.floor((eventDuration / 60)) :
      Math.floor((eventDuration / 60)) + '';

  var yahooMinuteDuration = eventDuration % 60 < 10 ?
      '0' + eventDuration % 60 :
      eventDuration % 60 + '';

   var yahooEventDuration = yahooHourDuration + yahooMinuteDuration;

      // Remove timezone from event time
      var st = formatTime(new Date(event.start - (event.start.getTimezoneOffset() *
      MS_IN_MINUTES))) || '';

   var href = encodeURI([
       '&title=' + (event.title || ''),
       '&st=' + '20200611225200',
       '&dur=' + (yahooEventDuration || ''),
       '&desc=' + (event.description || ''),
       '&in_loc=' + (event.address || ''),
        '&invitees=' + (InviteesArr || ''),

   var link = '<a class="icon-yahoo" target="_blank" href="' +
       href + '">Yahoo! Calendar</a>';


我的开始时间是这样的,6/12/2020 11:06:00 AM. 生成链接是这样的。持续时间是正确的。但是开始时间不对。我很困惑



标签: javascriptyahoo



var href = encodeURI([
       '&title=' + (event.title || ''),
       '&st=' + (st || ''),
       '&dur=' + (yahooEventDuration || ''),
       '&desc=' + (event.description || ''),
       '&in_loc=' + (event.address || ''),
        '&invitees=' + (InviteesArr || ''),

并回答您关于st. 如果您查看这篇文章 - Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset()那里它说该方法返回时区差异,以分钟为单位,从当前区域设置(主机系统设置)到 UTC。

如果您从这篇文章中检查第二个答案Parse date without timezone javascript getTimeOffset()减法后返回的分钟数与存储的毫秒数相乘MS_IN_MINUTES对于您的日期在全球范围内为所有用户正确工作是必要的。
