首页 > 解决方案 > CUDA Illegal Memory Access on PyTorch 1.3


    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
         grad_label = grad_output.clone()
        num_ft = grad_output.shape[0]
        # grad_label.data.resize_(num_ft, 32, 41)
        lin_indices_3d, lin_indices_2d = ctx.saved_variables
        num_ind = lin_indices_3d.data[0]
        grad_label.data.view(num_ft, -1).index_copy_(1, lin_indices_2d.data[1:1 + num_ind],
                                                     torch.index_select(grad_output.data.contiguous().view(num_ft, -1),
                                                                        1, lin_indices_3d.data[1:1 + num_ind]))
        # raw_input('sdflkj')
        return grad_label, None, None, None

This is the code snippet I am trying to run on PyTorch. However, I strangely keep getting the error of Illegal Memory Access. When I tried to use a Debugger and try and find the culprit, I would see 在此处输入图像描述

As such I am not certain what is wrong here. The same code was running on PyTorch 0.4 and now I am trying to run it on PyTorch 1.3 and it does not work. The same error remains on versions 1.4 and 1.5 which are the latest versions for the framework. Any help shall be highly appreciated.

标签: pytorch


事实证明这是 PyTorch 框架本身的错误。他们将使用 1.6 版进行更正


