首页 > 解决方案 > 在 python discordpy 中加载扩展



import discord 
from random import randint, choice
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.utils import get
from discord import utils

from . import config

class CommandErrors(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
    self.client = client

#Error solving
async def on_command_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.CommandNotFound ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } something went wrong, please write command ``.help`` to see all commands of server.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.CommandInvokeError ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } something went wrong, please tell GrizzlyXGod_ to solve the problem.' )

async def clear_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please specify the number of messages to clear ``ex: .clear 100``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )

async def mute_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .mute @name``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you wrote something wrong please try again ``ex: .mute @name``' )

async def unmute_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .unmute @name``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you wrote something wrong please try again ``ex: .unmute @name``' )

async def kick_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .kick @name``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you wrote something wrong please try again ``ex: .kick @name``' )

async def ban_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .ban @name``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you wrote something wrong please try again ``ex: .ban @name``' )

async def unban_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .unban @name``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you wrote something wrong please try again ``ex: .unban @name``' )

async def add_role_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .addrole @name @role``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .addrole @name @role``' )

async def remove_role_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .addrole @name @role``' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.MissingPermissions ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } you don''t'' have permission to use this command.' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .addrole @name @role``' )

async def userinfo_error( self, ctx, error ):
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.MissingRequiredArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } please type correct ``ex: .userinfo @name`` ' )
    if isinstance( error, commands.errors.BadArgument ):
        await ctx.send( f'{ ctx.author.name } something gone wrong make sure that you have wrote the name correctly ``ex: .userinfo @name`` or make sure that user is the part of this server.' )

async def on_command_completion( self, ctx ):
    print(ctx.command.name + " was invoked successfully.")

def setup(client):

extensions = ['CommandCommands']
if __name__ == '__main__':
    for ext in extensions:

如果您需要该文件中的代码,我尝试导入另一个 cog 文件,我可以编辑此问题并添加该部分。非常感谢您的帮助。我想尽快得到答案!还有一件事我试图创建机器人,谁能告诉我如何编写代码来更改服务器的前缀。 在此处输入图像描述

标签: pythondiscorddiscord.py



from discord.ext import commands

bot = commands.Bot(...) # or client, depending on what you've called it

# the elements are just the names of your .py files
cogs = ["events", "members", "owner"]

# you can also add the on_ready event as usual here if you'd like

# making sure the bot only loads the extensions if this
# file was executed directly and not imported
if __name__ == "__main__": 
    for cog in cogs:
        bot.load_extension(cog) # loads in each file, Cog, that you defined in the list

然后相应的 cogs 应该遵循这个布局(但也可以遵循其他的):

from discord.ext import commands

class CogName(commands.Cog):

    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot # now you'll use self.bot instead of just bot when referring to the bot in the code

    # instead of bot.command(), you'll use this:
    async def cmd(self, ctx): # self is the first param because it's in a class
        # some code

    async def othercmd(self, ctx, arg1, *, arg2): # e.g. args work as normal
        # other code

    # this is how you register events, instead of using @bot.event
    async def on_message(self, message):
        # some code

# this setup function needs to be in every cog in order for the bot to be able to load it
def setup(bot):

