首页 > 解决方案 > C++ 中的咖啡馆订单检查器



   bool isFirstComeFirstServed(const vector<int>& takeOutOrders,
                                    const vector<int>& dineInOrders,
                                    const vector<int>& servedOrders)

        auto takeOutOrdersIter = takeOutOrders.cbegin();
        auto dineInOrdersIter = dineInOrders.cbegin();

        for (int order : servedOrders) {

            // if we still have orders in takeOutOrders
            // and the current order in takeOutOrders is the same
            // as the current order in servedOrders
            if (takeOutOrdersIter != takeOutOrders.cend() && order == *takeOutOrdersIter) {

            // if we still have orders in dineInOrders
            // and the current order in dineInOrders is the same
            // as the current order in servedOrders
            else if (dineInOrdersIter != dineInOrders.cend() && order == *dineInOrdersIter) {

            // if the current order in servedOrders doesn't match the current
            // order in takeOutOrders or dineInOrders, then we're not serving first-come,
            // first-served
            else {
                return false;

        // check for any extra orders at the end of takeOutOrders or dineInOrders
        if (dineInOrdersIter != dineInOrders.cend() || takeOutOrdersIter != takeOutOrders.cend()) {
            return false;

        // all orders in servedOrders have been "accounted for"
        // so we're serving first-come, first-served!
        return true;


资料来源:https ://www.interviewcake.com/question/python/cafe-order-checker?course=fc1§ion=array-and-string-manipulation

标签: c++data-structures

