首页 > 解决方案 > 我可以在 Chart::Gnuplot(Perl) 中绘制矩阵数据吗?


我需要在我的 perl 代码中执行“带有图像的 splot '$map' 矩阵”的 gnulot 脚本,这意味着我需要从仅包含 Z 值的数据生成的热图。我使用 Chart::Gnuplot 但我不知道如何使用它。以下代码可能无法正常工作,我只是将代码放在这里仅供参考。

@map = ([1.01E-6, 0.91E-6, 0.85E-6, ...], [1.13E-6, 1.32E-6, 1.85E-6, ...] .... );

my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
        terminal => "jpeg",
        bg         => 'white',
        pm3d       => 'map',
        palette    => 'defined (0 "green", 2.5E-6 "yellow", 5.0E-6  "red")',
        output     => $fileName,
        title      => $pName,
        xlabel     => 'x',
        ylabel     => 'y',

$chart->set(xrange => $xmin, $xmax);
$chart->set(yrange => $ymin, $ymax);
$chart->set(view => 'map');

my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new(matrix => \@map); # I just tried to check if this works.
# Plot the graph

标签: perlgnuplot


当我在 Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new 中使用 using => '1:2:3 with image' 时,gnuplot 绘制了我想要的内容。

my @data = (
         [0, 0, 3.06E-6],
         [0, 1, 3.13E-6],
         [0, 2, 2.99E-6],
         [0, 3, 2.98E-6],
         [0, 4, 3.12E-6],
         [1, 0, 3.11E-6],
         [1, 1, 3.21E-6],
         [1, 2, 3.00E-6],
         [1, 3, 3.12E-6],
         [1, 4, 3.23E-6],
         [2, 0, 3.32E-6],
         [2, 1, 2.97E-6],
         [2, 2, 3.00E-6],
         [2, 3, 3.30E-6],
         [2, 4, 3.12E-6],
         [3, 0, 3.05E-6],
         [3, 1, 3.33E-6],
         [3, 2, 3.32E-6],
         [3, 3, 3.19E-6],
         [3, 4, 3.20E-6],
         [4, 0, 3.21E-6],
         [4, 1, 3.23E-6],
         [4, 2, 3.22E-6],
         [4, 3, 3.00E-6],
         [4, 4, 3.11E-6],
    my $chart = Chart::Gnuplot->new(
        terminal => "jpeg",
        bg         => 'white',
        pm3d       => 'map',
        palette    => 'defined (0 "white", 3 "yellow", 5  "red")',
        output     => "myImage.jpeg",
        title      => "wafer distribution",
        xlabel     => 'x',
        ylabel     => 'y',
        xrange     => [-1, 5],
        yrange     => [-1, 5],
    my $dataSet = Chart::Gnuplot::DataSet->new( 
        using => '1:2:3 with image',
        points => \@data 
